On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 10:21 PM, Tomaka, Jacek <jacek.tom...@intergraph.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> Recently I tried to compile GDAL 1.10 with libjpeg + IPP 8.0.
> I compiled IPP powered jpeglib 6b (taken from old IPP 7.0 samples, as IPP
> 8.0 examples contain version 8b).
> I run into several issues, after some investigation it turned out that
> different issues appear depending on the configuration of libjpeg library.
> 1. When libjpeg.IPP  is compiled with IPP_SUSPENS defined then JPEG
> decoding does not work. i.e. gdal_translate from jpeg to tiff produces
> strange image.
>        JPEG encoded TIFFs were all right in this configuration.
> 2. When libjpeg.IPP is compiled with IPP_SUSPENS not defined then JPEG
> encoded TIFFs decoding produces warning "Warning 1: JPEGLib:Premature end
> of JPEG file".
>        JPEG decoding is fine in this configuration. Strangely enough, the
> decoded images (JPEG encoded TIFFS) seem to be correct in this case,
> despite the warning.
>  Note, I confirmed that IPPJ_HUFF is defined during jpeg, and gtiff
> formats compilation. If I don't define it I got the same warning but in
> greater abundance.
> Is there something obvious for You that I am missing? I read
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/JpegIPP but it turns a blind eye on
> libjpeg configuration.


I don't recall any details about IPP_SUSPENS or IPPJ_HUFF.  I'm not sure
what is causing your problem and I haven't tried building with IPP for
several years now.

I also tried to compile GDAL with jpeglib 8b but with no luck. Is this
> version supported?

My understanding is that modern GDAL's should work with libjpeg 8.   If
this isn't working, filing a ticket could be helpful.

> Is GDAL taking advantage of suspended I/O?

Not that I'm aware of.

> Another issue is that when IPP is doing IDCT when decoding jpegs,
> autotests fail as it gives different checksums.
> Should I open a ticket for it?

No need to file a ticket about this.  I would expect the jpeg checksum
based tests to fail.

> Has anyone had success making jpegs and tiffs compiled against jpeglib +
> IPP work?

As I mention, it has been several years since I last did this, though it
did work then with the notes in the JpegIPP trac topic.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
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and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Software Developer
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