
I assume you are using the "built in" libtiff in GDAL.  In that case the
file gdal/frmts/gtiff/libtiff/tif_config.h will include cpl_port.h and
includes this line:

#define TIFF_UINT64_T GUIntBig

I assume TIFF_UINT64 ultimately is used to define uint64.

So I think you need to go through gdal/port/cpl_port.h and
gdal/port/cpl_config.h to try and figure out how GUIntBig is getting
defined.  In cpl_port.h it helps to search for the block of code titled
"64bit support".  I would guess you want to use "unsigned long long" in
which case you would need to have HAVE_LONG_LONG defined in cpl_config.h.

I'm not aware of any recent changes in this logic so I'm not sure why it
used to work and doesn't now.

Best regards,

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Nik Sands <> wrote:

> Hi list members,
> I've been using GDAL 1.10 as a statically linked library in an iOS app for
> some time.  I recently recompiled GDAL again from the same local set of
> source files, using my notes on configuration options that I used last
> time, and ever since I've been having a problem every time the app attempts
> to open an image file.
> The app fails an assert() in the included tiff library (in tif_open.c),
> throwing the error:
>         Assertion failed: (sizeof(uint64)==8), function TIFFClientOpen,
> file tif_open.c, line 99.
> The line in question is the last line of the code snippet from tif_open.c
> below:
>         /* The following are configuration checks. They should be
> redundant, but should not
>          * compile to any actual code in an optimised release build
> anyway. If any of them
>          * fail, (makefile-based or other) configuration is not correct */
>         assert(sizeof(uint8)==1);
>         assert(sizeof(int8)==1);
>         assert(sizeof(uint16)==2);
>         assert(sizeof(int16)==2);
>         assert(sizeof(uint32)==4);
>         assert(sizeof(int32)==4);
>         assert(sizeof(uint64)==8);  //  <- SIBABRT HERE
> The comments indicate that there may be a problem with the "configure"
> options I used when building GDAL, however I'm using exactly the same
> options (copy and pasted) as I used last time when it worked OK.
> So this leads me to think that perhaps something has changed in my
> environment, and the only thing I can think of is that I may be using a
> different version of GCC (I'm using the 'gcc' included with Apple's 'Xcode'
> IDE, and since the last compile of GDAL, I've upgraded from a beta build of
> Xcode to the production build of Xcode 5).
> I've tried it with GDAL 1.10.1 as well and get exactly the same problem.
> I'm stumped as to how to proceed with resolving this issue.  Can anybody
> help me to overcome this?
> Note that the problem occurs when running on the real iOS device (armv7s)
> and on the iOS simulator (i386).
> Cheers,
> Nik.
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