
Are you needing Jasper?  Normally a default build ("./configure") should
work pretty well on a precise system. I'm guessing you have enabled jasper
because it is key to what you want to do?  If not --without-jasper should
be straight forward.

Best regards,

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Jay L. <jla...@asu.edu> wrote:

> List,
> I wonder if a standard dev. environment exists?  I am working to extend a
> driver and am having trouble getting an environment working that will
> compile.  Current setup is a VagrantVM, Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit with source
> downloaded from SVN.  Attempting to build with minimized 
> drivers<http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/BuildingOnUnixWithMinimizedDrivers>as 
> per the build documentation and am having build errors due to
> dec_jpeg2000 (jasper I believe).
> Q: Are devs using a standard environment (or a different flavor of *nix?)?
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