Hi List,
I've created a GeoTIFF with GDAL. It works fine in QGIS and ArcMap, but
MapInfo refuses to load it, giving me a "Image file open error" message.

I've come across several problems and was wondering if anyone else had
experience with GDAL created files in MapInfo.

1) MapInfo can't handle compressed overviews ( *--config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW
DEFLATE*) - I can easily get past this one by not compressing them.

2) However, my next problem is that MapInfo can't read the projection
information from within the file. Is GDAL capable of creating a TAB file?

3) Finally, while MapInfo will happily open my small subset sample (above
issues not withstanding), it won't load my full image (about 2GB). Both are
created using the exact same commands:

gdalbuildvrt -srcnodata -9999 -vrtnodata -9999 -input_file_list
> asc_list.txt merged_vrt.vrt

gdal_translate -of GTiff -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co
> BLOCKXSIZE=512 -co BLOCKYSIZE=512 -a_srs EPSG:27700 merged_vrt.vrt
> DSM_2012-13.tif
> gdaladdo -r average DSM_2012-13.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64

It's not the overviews because it still happens when they're not generated.

Thoughts welcome,

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