Greetings all,

As some of you might have spotted on GDAL’s github account, I have spent
some time coming up with a refreshed GDAL logo proposal.

The draft’s second iteration can be seen here: – thanks to Even’s initial
comment on the first iteration, the second draft looks great! :)

The proposed draft logo is IMHO a nice modernized evolution from GDAL’s
current logo: a simplified representation of earth (the curved green line)
under a simplified satellite (or compass) floating over it.

IMHO, the logo professionalizes GDAL’s first look when someone lands on, on wikipedia’s gdal page, etc. As superficial as first
impressions are, it remains important.

On top of the arguably subjective “looking better” argument, it has several
objective benefits:

- It nicely scales down to a 32px icon size quite nicely (see examples
provided in the github issue linked to above)

- Being simple and in vector format, it makes it much easier to come up
with side products, i.e. the “mug test” attached in the gitthub issue ;)
this logo would likely stand well as a round sticker, printed on a shirt,
etc.  which is always useful during hackfests.


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