Bo Victor,

there's an important mention in the email you quote: "The effect of this option is that when a layer is of type Polygon, it will be converted in the target format as MultiPolygon,".    In your situation, the original layer geometry type is Geometry. There's no way that -nlt promote_to_multi can know that your geometries will actually be all polygon, or all linestring, and thus change the target layer geometry type.

We would probably a new option to ogr2ogr that would generalize the following open option of the shapefile driver:

ADJUST_GEOM_TYPE=NO/FIRST_SHAPE/ALL_SHAPES. Defines how layer geometry type is computed, in particular to distinguish shapefiles that have shapes with significant values in the M dimension from the ones where the M values are set to the nodata value. By default (FIRST_SHAPE), the driver will look at the first shape and if it has M values it will expose the layer as having a M dimension. By specifying ALL_SHAPES, the driver will iterate over features until a shape with a valid M value is found to decide the appropriate layer type.

You may file an enhancement ticket about that if you wish


Le 31/07/2022 à 10:00, Bo Victor Thomsen a écrit :

Thanks to Hugues and Richard for responding to my questions.

However, I'm using the ogr2ogr inside a DOS .cmd file like this:

for /R D:\tmp %%f in (*.tab) do ogr2ogr --config PG_USE_COPY yes -progress -lco OVERWRITE=YES -lco SCHEMA=mat -dim XY -a_srs EPSG:25832 -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user=*** password=*** dbname=geodata" "%%f"

I.e. iterating through a directory plus sub-directories and converting every found tab file into a table into schema "mat" using ogr2ogr

The tab files contains either points, linestrings or polygons. Polygons and linestrings can be a mix of simple and multi-objects. Each tab-file contains only one main type.

So I can't use "-nlt multipolygons". And the point of this project was to get rid of a fairly complex postgres based function that checks an uploaded table and change its geometry type using "alter table ... using st_multi(geom)" type of commands.

That was why I tried to use "-nlt promote_to_multi". According to this mail:

Even Rouault describes the exact behaviour I'm looking for: Simple linestrings / polygons will be changed to multi types and points will be left alone. And the geometry type will be set to a "multi*" as needed.

What actually happens is that linestrings, polygons /and/ points all are changed to multi type, but the geometry type remains "Geometry".

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 25-07-2022 kl. 15:52 skrev Hugues François:

I guess you should either
=> drop the created table prior to launch the ogr2ogr command with the -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI switch => or maually alter the existing table: ALTER TABLE schema.table ALTER COLUMN geom TYPE geometry(MultiPolygon, SRID) using ST_MULTI(geom)


*De: *"Richard Greenwood" <>
*À: *"Bo Victor Thomsen" <>
*Cc: *"gdal dev" <>
*Envoyé: *Lundi 25 Juillet 2022 15:32:35
*Objet: *Re: [gdal-dev] New behaviour of "PROMOTE_TO_MULTI" ?

Have you tried -nlt MultiPolygon?

On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 2:54 AM Bo Victor Thomsen <> wrote:

    I have a MapInfo .tab file containing polygons, both simple and
    multipolygons (and only polygons).

    Using this command: (all ogr2ogr commands are one-liners, but
    examples are split for lucidity)

      --config PG_USE_COPY yes
      -lco OVERWRITE=YES
      -dim XY
      -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user=***
    password=*** dbname=geodata"

    will (correctly) create a table in Postgres of PostGIS type

    If I change the command to:

      --config PG_USE_COPY yes
      -lco OVERWRITE=YES
      -dim XY
    *  -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI*
      -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user=***
    password=*** dbname=geodata"

    I would expect the table to change the PostGIS type to
    "MultiPolygon". However it still is registered as "Geometry".

    Checking the table using SQL command:

    SELECT ST_geometrytype(wkb_geometry), count(*) FROM mat.fredskov
    group by 1

    affirms, that all geometries now is of type "ST_MultiPolygon".

    AFAIK, this is a new behaviour. Or what ?

    Postgres/Postgis version : 13.2,  3.1

    OGR2OGR version:  both 3.4 andf 3.6 dev.

-- Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

    Bo Victor Thomsen

    gdal-dev mailing list

Richard W. Greenwood <>

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