Howard Butler, Even Rouault, Dan Baston, and Alessandro Pasotti held the 
monthly GDAL Maintainers Meeting on 05/25/2023. The following items were 
discussed and reported upon:

* The recent OSGeo DNS attack demonstrated that GDAL's test infrastructure is 
sensitive, via usage of for test data, to single point of 
failure. It was unclear if there is backup copies of that test data suite 
anywhere, and it was resolved to create a GitHub-based repository to both 
mirror and version control the (larger) test suite data that GDAL uses for 
daily operations. That repository was created at and Dan and Even will coordinate moving 
content there and wiring up CI as convenient to utilize it.

* Dan continued development of Sphinx directives and documentation additions to 
systematically highlight, define, index, cross-link, and organize GDAL's 
"configuration options". Dan has updated and defined 1800! configuration 
options across all various types – creation, open, dataset creation, and layer. 
Thanks to this effort, users will be able to more clearly see and navigate how 
environmental variable options control GDAL's behavior. Documentation writers 
will be able to conveniently add specific information that will participate in 
indexes and linkages of those options to other relevant information. This 
effort should be merged and available on within a week or two.

* Even discussed the need for a libtiff release due to outstanding CVEs and his 
desire to remove some of the poorly constructed libtiff utility applications 
that tend to be the cause of the CVE traffic. 

* Even discussed picking up the ticket for adding a "gdal_footprint" utility If you are interested or have ideas 
about needs or how it should work, please chime in on the ticket.

* Even coordinated the release of GDAL 3.7.0 on 05/10/2023. It included ~7 RFC 
implementations and a massive list of bug fixes, feature updates, and 

* Alessandro continued to provide review support on GDAL PRs and picked up a 
family of tickets related to MSSQL that had been stagnating for a while after 
QGIS users reported them too. After setting up a test environment, he was able 
to knock out a few related bugs that will be included in future release.

The next GDAL Maintainers Meeting is 06/22/2023 at 9:00 EDT. Any PSC members 
are welcome to join by reaching out to me for an invite.

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