          I am working on implementation of Non-stop mode debug support
for a debug server over RSP. I believe GDB 7.0 release is going to
incorporate support for Non-stop mode debugging. Am I correct correct
about this?  I see that GDB 7.0 release was due June 2009, and I have
not been able to find the release. Could you tell me if this date was
met, if not, when is GDB 7.0 due for release?
How can I get access to the GDB 7.0 development branch ? I am just
interested in Non-stop mode debug support, if that functionality is
complete I would really like to test drive it. Any directions/help to
enable be perform Non-stop mode debugging using GDB will be greatly
thank you,

Arvind Raghuraman
Software Development Engineer
Embedded Systems Division
Mentor Graphics Corporation
Off: (251)-208-3477



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