On Tuesday 26 July 2011 05:47:15 andy_westken wrote:
> Hi
> I apologise if this question has been answered elsewhere, but my web
> searches were swamped by noise...
> Is is possible to get gdb to set a breakpoint at a line number and a
> character offset (or column) on the line?

Only a line number AFAIK.

Setting it at an actual column offset would be challenging.

> From what I understand, this is not possible (at least for Ubuntu and
> GnuWin32 versions of the debugger). But I wanted to cross-check before
> using this to justify an item in some coding conventions.
> Thanks, Andy
> P.S. My contention is that code of the following form is intrinsically
> evil, from a debugging perspective.

Some might argue the corollary that debugging is evil from a coding 
perspective :-).
> if(condition) function1() else function2();

I guess you could do something like:

break function1
condition 1 (condition)

> whereas
> if(condition)
>     function1()
> else
>     function2();
> is debuggable!

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