Enrico Tröger a écrit :
> Hey guys,
> I just updated our Scintilla copy to its latest version 2.03.
> This brings some bugfixes but most importantly it adds a new feature:
> virtual spaces.
> There is a new preference in the Preferences dialog, Editor->Display
> tab to enable and disable it.
> […]
> There may be some regressions or other small problems with the update.
> If you find anything, just report it.
> Regards,
> Enrico


Interesting stuff indeed!
But there's a "major" (small, but I use it often) change that can (is,
for me) be very annoying: middle-click somewhere /always/ places the
cursor on the click position, even if virtual spaces are disabled. Why
is this a big deal? because when pasting with the mouse (X-style), the
pasted chunk is placed exactly where the mouse where at the click rather
than at the start of the line - well, virtual space.


PS: if I should have reported this through the bugtracker, please tell
me so I could do so last time :)
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