On Thu, 11 Mar 2010 20:32:46 +0100%
Enrico Tröger <enrico.troe...@uvena.de> wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 22:11:43 +0300, Eugene wrote:
> >Hi.
> >
> >Disposition and padding of frames within the Preferences dialog is
> >now inconsistent. This patch fixes it (in my opinion). Somebody,
> >please review and commit/ignore it.
> Could you go a bit into details?
> The patch is a bit hard to read (which is by no means your fault, it's
> just that very big UI XML).
> I want to apply it but before I'd like to know which frames are
> inconsitent (I don't doubt there are inconsistencies, just too lazy
> too search :D).
> Thanks.

No need to read the patch manually. You can apply the patch and open the
modified geany.glade in Glade. There open the prefs dialog template
and switch through all tabs. If you open prefs dialog from trunk next
to it, you'll see the difference.

An alternative way is to apply the patch and recompile Geany without
installing. Then run the installed version (with the current version
of the dialog), and the new executable (with the new dialog). Place the
two dialogs next to each other and switch through tabs.

When I said the frames being inconsistent, I meant that
* some frames have zero border width while most of them have border
  width set to 5;
* sometimes this border width is applied to each frame contained
  within a page, while usually the border width is assigned to the
  GtkVbox containing the frames;
* sometimes the bottom frame on a page is expanded to consume the free
  vertical space available on that page (so the lower border of the
  frame is pushed to the bottom of the page), while usually the bottom
  frame is not expanded.

These explanations (especially the last one) may be unclear, but you'll
really see the difference if you compare the two version of the prefs
dialog next to each other.

Sorry that I didn't describe all this stuff in the previous mail. Was
tired yesterday a bit.

Best regards,
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