On Sat, 22 May 2010 22:14:19 +0200, Colomban wrote:


> While creating the preference dialog of my plugin I noticed that the
> widget that plugin_configure() creates is packed without expending,
> which obviously avoids widgets to expand in a plugin preference page.
> I then suggest to change this behavior to pack the plugin's page with
> expansion and fill flags, to allow it to... hum, expand. This makes
> things like text view, tree view, and globally any widget that is
> generally packed in a scrolled window better usable (since they fills
> the dialog instead of leaving a possible blank space on the bottom and
> keep being small).

Good catch.

> * GeanySendMail expands and becomes quite ugly;

-> packing bug in GeanySendMail, I guess Frank will be happy to fix it,

> I think it is a good idea to do this since it still let widgets not to
> expand, but let them also expand if wanted.
> This is a /very small/ patch indeed (two FALSE on the same line

Committed, thanks a lot.
And thanks for testing it that well.


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