On 29/10/2011 06:41, Matthew Brush wrote:
Hi all,

Is anybody opposed to removing the "geany" and "Geany" prefix from the
plugins in Geany-Plugins. I mean at least for the directory name in the
source tree, README/Site, and PLUGIN_SET_INFO() name?

It's always bothered me when I go into *Geany's* plugin manager and see
plugin names like "GeanyFooBar". Obviously the plugin is for Geany and
the "Geany" prefix makes the plugin not ordered correctly. Same goes for
the SVN/Git repository source tree directory names.


I think we should definitely drop Geany from all the names shown in the plugin manager, even for independently maintained plugins.

GeanyLua Lua Plugins lua

IIRC the PM name is 'Lua Scripting'. It doesn't really have a maintainer ATM but I am the named maintainer. Feel free to change 'GeanyLua' and/or the directory name - I would suggest 'luascript'. It doesn't allow true Lua plugins.
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