On 19/06/2012 22:25, Matthew Brush wrote:
On 12-06-19 10:12 AM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:

Now that 1.22 is out, how about removing the MSYS build dependency
under Win~1? I tried to compile Geany with the default MinGW make,
without any MSYS, and there were some easily fixable problems:

cd foo&& $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32&& cd ..\..

does not work, probably requires some sh. But if we depend on GNU make
(which seems to be the case, since we're using ifdef/else/endif), it's
easier and shorter to:

$(MAKE) -C foo -f makefile.win32


Linking does not work, because the stock make supports \ only for
variables, not commands. But that's even easier to fix:


There is also some inconsistency: CP = copy, but "cp -r" and "cp" at
the end of makefile. The install target can be rewritten as several
-$(MD) and non-recursive $(CP) commands, and no MSYS will be required.

Sigh. Is there no equivalent of 'cp -r' on Windows?

RFC. If we consider this worthy, I can make the required changes.

Sounds good.

I have started working on this before:

It builds but isn't perfect, like it doesn't do the icon/resource stuff,
and doesn't use win32-conf.h properly, but it might be useful for a
starting point. It's what I use for testing Geany on Windows.

I did respond to this before (maybe with a laundry list of suggestions), but off the top of my head, the main ones for me are:

* it doesn't show the commands, so devs won't notice e.g if CFLAGS aren't correctly set
* no support for building from MSYS

I haven't actually tested the makefile, but the idea of a single file is appealing, e.g. we can avoid duplication for GTK_CFLAGS, etc.

On 20/06/2012 19:04, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:
> That looks like an entirely new makefile. I was able to compile Geany
> with small (msys compatible) changes in the existing makefiles, and
> setting MAKE to mingw32-make in localwin32.mk...

Yes, probably we should set MAKE=mingw32-make instead of 'make'.

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