On Fri, 13 Jul 2012 16:27:35 -0700
Sean Felipe Wolfe <ether....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Jacob ... my name is Sean Wolfe and I'm in a similar position to
> yourself, not a lot of Geany type contributions made as yet but I'm
> enthusiastic about the technology and would like to see it grow. I
> just got back on the Geany list after some time away from Geany , and
> I saw your intro hadn't been responded to so just wanted to say hi.
> A bit late but just to reassure you you aren't the only interested
> party :)

Great to here! Its always great to to have contributions of coding
power ;) 
(As Lex mentioned, a good starting point is reading HACKING and making
a fork of geany git repository followed by reading code, messing around
etc;) )


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