On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 11:02 PM, Hong Xu <d...@hong.me> wrote:

> On Jul 18, 2012, at 10:32, Jacob Strohm <jacobstr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> >     Does Geany have any kind of automatic code formatter, either in the
> core or as a plugin?  Looking through the plugins project/website, I didn't
> see anything like it, and if not I think I'd enjoy working on it in my free
> time, I just wanted to double check before investing a bunch of time.
> >
> This may solve your issue partially:
> http://editorconfig.org
> Currently you can only deal with indentation using it.
I've been unable to get Geany to recognize your plugin using a geany
version pulled from git a couple days ago (probably some silly mistake I'm
making), but regardless I was thinking of something more fully featured
(and not needing to install a separate library is preferable in my eyes). I
may add an option to import/export the file format though.

> Hi,
> I'd personally be very interested in using a plugin that can format the
> code precisely automatically. IIRC VisualStudio does this very well but is
> not flexible as to code style (or I didn't find the preferences). I suspect
> it would be quite difficult to write a good one that is at the same time
> accurate, flexible and supports multiple non-similar languages (C-style vs
> Python, for example).
Way to put the pressure on  :).  I haven't used Visual Studio's, but I will
check it out, along with Eclipse's version.  Also, since I only really have
experience with C-style languages, it will (initally at least) be focused
on that.  Suggestions are always welcome.

Jacob Strohm
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