
this is my first post so I'd like to thank all programmers
working on geany. it is so close to perfect :) thanks!

I keep my ~/.config/geany dir under git so I can
distribute my environment prefs on all machines 
I use. unfortunately there are some config entries
which always collide since they are "local" to the 
current machine. those are:



I modified keyfile.c to keep all those in separated
(session/local) file so it can be excluded from git.

diff/patch is against 
commit 1ce4b1fac516f89dadb639cb773c76b68cfa286b

I'd like to ask for a review of the patch?

thank you and good luck!

Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski  
Engineering Lead, ePay.bg Ltd.
ePay.bg      <c...@epay.bg>     http://epay.bg   
DataMax SA   <c...@datamax.bg>  http://datamax.bg
pgp/gpg key  6F35B214           http://pgp.mit.edu

Attachment: geany-config-session-file-patch-cade-20120728.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpQmkg8kT494.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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