Done :

And thanks for your support :)

Am Freitag, 2. Dezember 2016 15:16:06 UTC+1 schrieb Marcin Erdmann:
> Thanks for reporting back, Yori. 
> This is not how I would expect it to work and I'd consider it a bug (the 
> fact that you had to add at the beginning of your expression 
> inside of withFrame() block). Can you please create an issue for this at 
> and link to this thread from it?
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 12:17 PM, Yori Kurita < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi Marcin,
>> thanks for this hint. I did your suggested changes. 
>> I needed to do it like this :
>> boolean checkMessageText(String text) {
>>     withFrame(frameMessageSent, MessageSentFramePage) {
>>     }
>> }
>> Otherwise i got Selenium stale Element Error:
>> org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException: stale element 
>> reference: element is not attached to the page document
>> |                      (Session info: chrome=54.0.2840.99)
>> |                      (Driver info: chromedriver=2.25.426923 
>> (0390b88869384d6eb0d5d09729679f934aab9eed),platform=Windows NT 6.1.7601 SP1 
>> x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
>> |                    Command duration or timeout: 6 milliseconds
>> This works so far with Selenium 2.53.1 and 3.0.1
>> Am Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2016 22:27:12 UTC+1 schrieb Marcin Erdmann:
>>> Yes, the error you are getting is down to the fact that everything 
>>> defined within a module is resolved relatively to that module's base. So in:
>>> boolean checkMessageText(String text) {
>>>     withFrame(frameMessageSent) {
>>>         messageTextSent.text().contains(text)
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> when resolving "messageTextSent" inside of the "withFrame()" block it is 
>>> resolved using the base of the module which is outside of 
>>> "frameMessageSent" frame. This causes an exception (I suspect it's a 
>>> StaleElementReferenceException) and because your content definition for 
>>> "messageTextSent" has "wait: true, required: false" it returns an instance 
>>> of UnknownWaitForEvaluationResult, an object returned when last 
>>> evaluation of a waitFor() call threw an exception, as described at the end 
>>> of this section of the manual: 
>>> You need to escape the context of the module when looking things up 
>>> inside of the frame, the easiest way is by introducing a new page for the 
>>> frame:
>>> class MessageSentFramePage extends Page {
>>>     static content = {
>>>         messageTextSent(required: false, wait: true) { 
>>> $('div.msgContents') }
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> and in the module:
>>> boolean checkMessageText(String text) {
>>>     withFrame(frameMessageSent, MessageSentFramePage) {
>>>         messageTextSent.text().contains(text)
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Yori Kurita <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marcin,
>>>> thanks for your answer. 
>>>> First a little informationa bout the Site I am Testing. This site 
>>>> contains several Modules , one of them is the communication module, which 
>>>> in the end is a mailbox similar to gmail. The difference is every message 
>>>> or process i start or read opens up in a new popup window.
>>>> The way i implemented the tests at the moment is:
>>>> Page A: Communication Page
>>>> Page B: Message Page
>>>> When i create or read a message i switch from Page A to the new popup 
>>>> Page B and start working in the popup
>>>> In Page B I have added the modules like it is described in the manual
>>>> This is the PageObejct for the Communication Page
>>>> *class CommunicationPage extends MainPage {*
>>>> *    static final String windowName = mainWindowName*
>>>> *    static at = { appName.text() == 'communication' }*
>>>> *    static content = {*
>>>> *        commTab { type -> $('div.TabPaneHeaderLabelContainer', title: 
>>>> type) }*
>>>> *        newMessage(required: false, toWait: true) { 
>>>> $('div#IconHolder_newConversation') }*
>>>> *        refreshButton { $('img.Button') }*
>>>> *        messageRows(required: false) { 
>>>> $("[id^=row_conversationsListTable_]") }*
>>>> *        messageSubject(required: false) { subject -> 
>>>> messageRows.$('a', text: subject) }*
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *    def commType(String tab) { commTab(tab).click() }*
>>>> *    def refreshList() { }*
>>>> *    def Map startMessage() {*
>>>> *        commType('Messages')*
>>>> **
>>>> *        def Map originals = switchWindow(new MessagePage())*
>>>> *        return originals*
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *    def createMessage(data) {*
>>>> *        def Map originals = startMessage()*
>>>> **
>>>> **
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *    def checkMessage(data) {*
>>>> *        refreshList()*
>>>> *        def Map originals = openMessage(data.subject)*
>>>> **
>>>> **
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *    def Map openMessage(String subject) {*
>>>> *        messageSubject(subject).click()*
>>>> *        def Map originals = switchWindow(new MessagePage())*
>>>> *        return originals*
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *}*
>>>> switchWindow is defined in the MainPage Class:
>>>> *    def Map switchWindow(Page windowPage) {*
>>>> *        def String windowName = windowPage.windowName*
>>>> *        def anyMatching = false*
>>>> *        def Map originals = [originalWindow: browser.currentWindow, 
>>>> originalPage: browser.getPage()]*
>>>> *        final String windowHandle = 
>>>> browser.driver.getWindowHandles().find {*
>>>> *            winHandle ->*
>>>> *                browser.withWindow(winHandle) {*
>>>> *                    browser.js.exec('return 
>>>> <>').toString().startsWith windowName*
>>>> *                }*
>>>> *        }*
>>>> *        try {*
>>>> *            browser.driver.switchTo().window(windowHandle)*
>>>> *   windowPage*
>>>> *            waitFor { !browser.$('img#emptyWaitImg').displayed }*
>>>> *            browser.verifyAt()*
>>>> *            anyMatching = true*
>>>> *        } finally {*
>>>> *            if (!anyMatching) {*
>>>> *                
>>>> browser.driver.switchTo().window(originals.originalWindow)*
>>>> *       originals.originalPage*
>>>> *                throw new NoSuchWindowException("Could not find a 
>>>> window that would match the given Name $windowName")*
>>>> *            } else {*
>>>> *                return originals*
>>>> *            }*
>>>> *        }*
>>>> *    }*
>>>> Here the MessagePage Page Object :
>>>> *class MessagePage extends MainPage (<- MainPage extends geb.Page) {*
>>>> *    static at = { checker...}*
>>>> *    static content = {*
>>>> *                              .*
>>>> *                              .*
>>>> *                              .*
>>>> *                              .*
>>>> *                            fill { module FillActivity}*
>>>> *                            verify { module VerifyActivity}*
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *    def validateMessage(data) {*
>>>> *        //assert checkMessageText(data.text)*
>>>> *        verify.verifyActivity(data)*
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *}*
>>>> Here the VerifyActivity Module:
>>>> *class VerifyActivity extends Module {*
>>>> *    static content = {*
>>>> *        subjectSent(required: false) { $('div.subject') }*
>>>> *        recipientsSent(required: false) { $('table.recipients') }*
>>>> *        targetDateSent(required: false) { $('div.targetDateContainer') 
>>>> }*
>>>> *        frameMessageSent(required: false, wait: true) { 
>>>> $('[id^=frmdbCnv-]') }*
>>>> *        messageTextSent(required: false, wait: true) { 
>>>> $('div.msgContents') }*
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *    def verifyActivity(data) {*
>>>> *        assert checkMessageText(data.text)*
>>>> *        .*
>>>> *        .*
>>>> *        .*
>>>> *        .*
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *     def boolean checkMessageText(String text) {*
>>>> *        withFrame(frameMessageSent) {*
>>>> *B1**            messageTextSent.text().contains(text)*
>>>> *        }*
>>>> *    }*
>>>> *}*
>>>> If I use the method 'checkMessageText()'  and its locators 
>>>> frameMessagesent and messageTextSent in the Page Object MessagePage, all 
>>>> works fine. 
>>>> If I use it like this and run the test I get:
>>>> at CommunicationPage checkMessage(messagedata)
>>>> |                    |            |
>>>> |                    |            data.MessageData@1e3d7dd
>>>> |                    groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature 
>>>> of method: geb.waiting.UnknownWaitForEvaluationResult.text() is applicable 
>>>> for argument types: () values: []
>>>> |                    Possible solutions: getAt(java.lang.String), 
>>>> wait(), wait(long), wait(long, int), every(), find()
>>>> pages.CommunicationPage 
>>>> When debugging it , and setting a breakpoint (*B1*) at 
>>>> *messageTextSent.text().contains() 
>>>> ,on evaluating navigator.base I get :*
>>>> *stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document  
>>>> (Session info: chrome=54.0.2840.99)  (Driver info: 
>>>> chromedriver=2.25.426923 
>>>> (0390b88869384d6eb0d5d09729679f934aab9eed),platform=Windows NT 6.1.7601 
>>>> SP1 
>>>> x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace 
>>>> information)Command duration or timeout: 9 milliseconds*
>>>> Hope this helps, or do you need more information?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Yori
>>>> Am Dienstag, 29. November 2016 22:53:15 UTC+1 schrieb Marcin Erdmann:
>>>>> Hi Yori,
>>>>> Accessing elements inside of iframes from modules should, as you are 
>>>>> correctly expecting, work the same way as doing so from pages.
>>>>> Can you please explain what do you mean by "I get a timeout"? I don't 
>>>>> see any waitFor() calls in the code you provided so I'm baffled at why 
>>>>> you 
>>>>> would get any kind of timeout. Providing a stacktrace you get when you 
>>>>> are 
>>>>> seeing that timeout would probably also help to understand what is going 
>>>>> on 
>>>>> here.
>>>>> One thing that comes to mind that might be causing different behaviour 
>>>>> in modules from the one in pages is that modules are scope, i.e. they 
>>>>> have 
>>>>> a base element ( 
>>>>> which is used as the context for any lookups done within the module. Can 
>>>>> you please confirm that the frame you are accessing is located within the 
>>>>> base element of your module?
>>>>> Marcin
>>>>> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 11:10 AM, Yori Kurita <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I ran into a strange problem and wonder if its my fault or if it is a 
>>>>>> bug.
>>>>>> Following scenario:
>>>>>> - Page A contains several text fields , whose content i want to 
>>>>>> verify. 1 of these text fields is within an iframe.
>>>>>> - When i want to verify if the text is correct by using :
>>>>>> def checkText(text){
>>>>>>        withFrame(frame){messageText.contains(text}
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> as a method in PageObejct for PageA , it works.
>>>>>> But since i have several other Pages, where i want to do the same 
>>>>>> check, i moved it into a module.
>>>>>> When i now run: 
>>>>>>  - module(VerifyMessage).checkText(text) 
>>>>>> I get a timeout. All other elements, I check in the module are found 
>>>>>> (divs with Text information).
>>>>>> So i moved just the check for the text back into the PageObejct for 
>>>>>> Page A, then it works again.
>>>>>> Do I do something wrong here? Do you need more Information?
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> -- 
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