Looking for Trent Policky!
I am looking for a GGA member whose address changed.  His Gekko and Chit Chats were returned.  Trent if you are out there, e-mail me offline.  If anyone knows Trent Policky and can help me locate him, e-mail me off-line.
Leann Christenson
Membership Secretary
Global Gecko Association
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:47 PM
Subject: [gecko]Re: Necropsy mystery (sorry, long) (Denise Wales)



Sorry for your loss. 

First off, you definitely did the right thing having the animal necropsied.  By doing so you were able to rule out infectious problems like cryptosporidium, etc that could possibly harm the rest of your geckos.  Necropsies in reptiles can sometimes be disappointing in that you can't nail down exactly what caused the illness or death.  The finding you described was most likely caused by having a fat (or normal sized) gecko that suddenly went anorexic.  The body starts breaking down fat to survive and caused the resultant hepatic lipidosis that was seen. 

I'm not sure what pathologist your vet used but Chris Schiller is one of the best I've ever seen for reptiles.  (not sure if she's still with All Creatures Pathology or not anymore)

I would think that your gecko had some sort of underlying metabolic illness with the lipidosis as a resultant problem, but that is 100% conjecture on my part.  It's always hard to not be able to get a concrete answer, but I always figure that I'm protecting the rest of my collection by ruling out possible infectious problems.



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