I've written before about my three p.laticauda, now I have another question.

After losing one gecko due to agression from another tank mate, I've seperated the two remaining gex. One's living large in a 55 gallon, the other is in a 15 gallon. I've had them since they were 3 months old, they are now nearing a year. Rambo lives in the 15 gallon, and escaped about two months ago. I only found him just a few days ago, and I noticed a significant change -- large calcium sacks. So is Rambo a Rambette?

Stumpy lives in the 55 gallon and has shown no such features. I am not skilled enough to recognize vents or other signs of gender. So my question is -- have they reached sexual maturity and can I assume the one with calcium sacks is female? If so, is it safe to pair them up again? When they were living in the 55 gallon together, one was always chasing the other, hence my splitting them up.

I have definitely learned from the loss of the one gecko and don't want to repeat that mistake. But I wouldn't mind trying my hand at breeding either. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much!


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