I make a motion we accept Leann's report (it just becomes part of our official 
record) and that we immediately in-act Leann's recommendations for the 
bookstore.  We now need a second, discussion, and vote.  



On Apr 1, 2011, at 7:12 AM, Leann Christenson wrote:

> This is not an open discussion or debate.  This is a report.  When the 
> President and VP call for a discussion, then there can be a discussion. 
> Treasures Report: 
> This last week I've made an exhaustive look at the costs of Memberships and 
> bookstore items.
> Overall, the GGA does need to set new prices.  In almost every category, 
> prices do not reflect what the GGA pays for items and is loosing money. 
> Understanding that Year 7 brings many changes to the GGA.  The membership 
> suggested changes are for the current Year 6. 
> Bookstore
> Gekko current price $7.50 members, $10 non members, Bulk $5-$6
> Actual costs, especially the last two issues with 64 pages, are costing the 
> GGA $7.00+ each to print.  This does not cover overhead costs which are 
> always included in merchandise prices.
> Since the Bookstore defrays the cost of Gekko inventory (not yet sold items), 
> the GGA is loosing money and loosing potential income. 
> New Prices:
> Gekko, membership price $8.00
> Gekko, non member price $12.00
> Bulk price: $6.50 25 or more,  $7.00 ea 10 or more
> Membership
> USA: $32, Canada/Mexico: $34, Overseas: $36
> On April 11, USPS is increasing postal prices by approximately 11%.  The 
> membership fees have not reflected increased postage costs in over 8 years. 
> I have investigated mailing from locations other than the US.   Large mailing 
> companies who specialize finding the best postal prices in the world all say 
> the same thing:
> 1) The US has the lowest postage rates in the world.
> 2) The best way to mail to multiple locations in the world is to mail from 
> each country (thus avoiding international postage rates and customs).  This 
> means mail to UK members from UK post office and not from the US.
> Since the GGA represents so many countries but not a large number of people 
> in any one county except the US, printing and mailing from any other country 
> does not save money.  (German 13 and Denmark 11 have the most other than the 
> US).
> I don't want to give up on this but at this time, it is still costing too 
> much effort and money to print in France or another county.  But I am 
> continuing to look at this option.  I am not giving up yet.
> Based on all this, I am recommending these new membership categories to 
> better reflect the specific postage costs fairly and to better represent the 
> "overseas" members (who don't consider themselves as overseas).
> New Membership Localities & Price:
> North America $35
> Southern Continent $45
> Central Europe $40
> Middle East and Asia $45
> I don't think the debate should be cost (I think should be more), this 
> reflects a fair and reasonable membership increase.  What is important is 
> paying attention to how the GGA (a global group) refers to it's members. 
> Submitted by Leann Christenson

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