I had done something similar in the past, but this is a more 
well-engineered attempt.  The situation it optimizes is as follows:

1) right-click on a keyword in the keyword pane
2) Select "Connect \"keyword\" to mark" -> Mark N
2a) Optionally, repeat for other keywords
3) Hit "m" or Select -> Show Marks

At this point, it is typically the case that if you restrict the view by 
filtering on a mark, the restriction happens instantly.  At the same 
time, the FileData instances that _don't_ match the filter would be 
freed.  If you subsequently broaden the view at all, geeqie would need 
to reparse the freed files to re-create those FileData instances.  For 
small restrictions in large directories, you could end up reparsing 
almost every file in the directory.  This gets Real Slow, Real Fast.

This set of changes optimizes the situation by adding a secondary 
mechanism to prevent FileData instances from being freed until they go 
out of scope (that is, when the ViewDir changes directories).  Thus, 
when a restriction happens, the non-matching FileData instances remain 
in memory, and thus a subsequent broaden operation becomes instant as 
well.  This makes marks a _lot_ less frustrating to work with.

The changes are below.  I just finished them tonight, so I'd appreciate 
it if someone could review them/try them before I figure out how to send 
a merge request.

There are FileData leaks with this code, but there are also leaks 
without it.  It's not yet clear if this is _causing_ any leaks.  If 
people have thoughts/findings, lemme know.


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