On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:39:34 +0000 (UTC), Ian Zimmerman wrote:

> I am in the Preferences/Files dialog tab and I cannot figure out how to
> disable just one file type.  The dialog has a checkbox next to each type
> and at the bottom "Add" and "Remove" buttons.  Does the Remove button
> apply to all checked rows or to rows picked with the normal selection
> mechanism?

The "Remove" button applies to the currently _highlighted_ row.
The "Add" button appends a new row at the bottom.

> If it is the selection, what are the checkboxes for?

You can have multiple rows per file type, so the checkbox enables/disables
a line.

> If it
> is the checkboxes, do I really have to uncheck each one by one before I
> can disable this one type?

I don't understand that question. If there's just "one type", I fail to see
why you would want to "uncheck each one by one" because that would refer to
multiple rows. If you want to disable all filters, use the checkbox at the
very top.

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