> There is no need to be unsure here, since these kind of changes should
> come along with test cases (unless there already is a tests for this
> code, which I suspect is the case). The test for GEGL lives in ./tests
> and you run them with 'make check'.

There does not appear to be a test that properly examines the
behaviour of gegl_buffer_void (). I commented out the entire contents
of this method and all 36 buffer tests still passed.

The only method that appears to call gegl_buffer_void () is
gegl_buffer_dispose (), and I can verify that this method is called
during the tests since, despite the fact that all 36 tests pass
without it, there are several buffer leaks.

Is it possible that gegl_buffer_void () is never called during these
tests? If so, what test case would ensure that it is called?

Perhaps even more importantly, if there are 36 test cases that manage
to pass without a gegl_buffer_void () method in place, what exactly is
this method supposed to accomplish?

Adam Turcotte
Gegl-developer mailing list

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