Am 28.08.2011 13:59, schrieb Jon Nordby:
> On 28 August 2011 13:36, Joerg Beyer <> wrote:
>> Am 28.08.2011 12:40, schrieb Jon Nordby:
>>> On 28 August 2011 10:34, Joerg Beyer <> wrote:
>>>> hello,
>>>> I am having trouble to save gegl operations to repeat them later. I
>>>> think, that gegl_node_to_xml is the operation I am looking for, but this
>>>> can be wrong.
>>>> I wrote this small program:
>>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>>> #include <gegl.h>
>>>> gint
>>>> main (gint argc,
>>>>      gchar **argv)
>>>> {
>>>>    GeglNode *gegl, *gn_load, *gn_save, *gn_op;
>>>>    gchar* xmltext;
>>>>    g_thread_init (NULL);
>>>>    gegl_init (&argc, &argv);
>>>>    gegl = gegl_node_new ();
>>>>    gn_load = gegl_node_new_child(gegl, "operation", "gegl:load",
>>>> "path", "bsp-900x600.jpg", NULL);
>>>>    gn_save = gegl_node_new_child(gegl, "operation", "gegl:jpg-save",
>>>> "path", "out.jpg", NULL);
>>>>    gn_op   = gegl_node_new_child(gegl, "operation",
>>>> "gegl:unsharp-mask", "std-dev", 1.2, "scale", 8.0, NULL);
>>>>    gegl_node_link_many (gn_load, gn_op, gn_save, NULL);
>>>>    gegl_node_process (gn_save);
>>>>    gegl_node_to_xml(gegl, xmltext);
>>>>    printf("xmltext: %s\n", xmltext);
>>> You probably want to do xmltext = gegl_node_to_xml(gegl, pwd); or
>>> similar. Where pwd is the current working directory. See the
>>> documentation at
>> when I change it this way:
>>    xmltext = gegl_node_to_xml(gegl, "/home/joerg/src/geglex");
>>    printf("xmltext: %s\n", xmltext);
>> then I get only an empty node as output:
>> xmltext: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
>> <gegl>
>> </gegl>
>> is this the expected output? I thought, that the node named "gegl" would
>> contain the other nodes (gn_load, gn_op and gn_save) but I am new to
>> gegl and may be wrong. I tried to print the complete transformation to xml.
>> What would give the entire tree of the operations?
> I don't think you read the documentation I linked you ;)
> "To export a gegl graph, connect the internal output node to an output
> proxy (see gegl_node_get_output_proxy.) and use the proxy node as the
> basis for the serialization."
thanks for your answers.

well, I read the API docs of this functions, but since I am not familiar
with the conventions used (what is a pad, how are the nodes connected -
I saw the glossary...) I have my difficulties to understand them. I also
found no simple example - gegl_node_to_xml appears 19 times in the gegl
sources, but is used only in gegl (and I am not sure how) and the in
bindings. A google search for other source code snippets does not show
other use cases.

Are there small programs, smaller and simpler than gimp, that use gegl?
I would try and read them for better understanding.


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