Proses California merdeka dari US dimulai.---
‘Calexit’ Organizers Can Start Collecting Signatures to Get Secession 
Initiative on Ballot

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‘Calexit’ Organizers Can Start Collecting Signatures to Get Secession Initi...
 Supporters of the campaign for California to secede from the United States can 
now begin collecting the hundreds...  |   |




POSTED 2:26 PM, JANUARY 27, 2017, BY

Calexit supporters protest in Sacramento the day after the presidential 
election, Nov. 9, 2016. (Credit: KTXL)

Supporters of the campaign for California to secede from the United States can 
now begin collecting the hundreds of thousands of signatures they need to get a 
proposed “Calexit” initiative on the ballot.California Secretary of State Alex 
Padilla cleared the proposed initiative to begin collecting signatures on 
Thursday.If the measure gets on the ballot and gains approval by a majority of 
voters, it would repeal clauses in the California Constitution stating that the 
state is an “inseparable part of the United States” and that the U.S. 
Constitution is the “supreme law of the land,” according to the title and 
summary prepared by the state attorney general’s office.The measure would place 
another question on the ballot in 2019, asking whether California should become 
a separate country. If at least half of registered voters participate in that 
vote, with at least 55% of those voting to approve, the results would be 
treated as California’s declaration of independence.Click here to read the full 
story on 

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