membangun Hotel berbintang di Bali, tepatnya di Pure Tanah Lot.Keberadaan Hotel 
yg rencananya hendak dibangun, oleh Masyarakat Bali dinilai akan mengancam 
Kearifan lokal, khususnya tempat pemujaan Masyarakat yang mayoritasnya beragama 
Hindu.Selain itu, Rencana ini akan dibangun diatas tanah seluas 106-140 Ha, 
bahkan rencananya masih akan diperluas. Artinya, luas lahan yang dibutuhkan 
untuk Pembangunan Hotel beserta fasilitas dan sarana lainnya milik Preaident 
Amerika tersebut akan menghilangkan ratusan hektar laban pertnian milik kaum 
tani di Bali, yang selama ini dikelola sebagai lahan pertanian padi yang sangat 
subur dan dengan penghasilan yang tentunya tidak sedikit.Ini adalah Ancaman 
bagi Kaum tani dan Masyarakat luas di Bali.

In Bali, Trump’s planned six-star hotel risks angering the Gods
   - Karlis Salna, Yudith Ho, &Fathiya DahrulBloomberg
| Thu, January 26, 2017 | 10:56 amTanah Lot Temple, Bali. (Shutterstock/File)
   - Donald-Trump bali Hotel Tanah-Lot tabanan

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On the Indonesian resort island of Bali, building height is measured by coconut 
trees.Anything taller could anger the Gods the Hindu locals believe inhabit the 
island. So plans to renovate a decades old hotel overlooking a 16th-century 
temple and turn it into a bigger six-star resort, complete with a tower and 
upgraded golf course, are causing some anxiety.It will be known as the Trump 
International Hotel and Tower Bali. Donald Trump’s company has paired with an 
Indonesian tycoon to build what they say will be the largest resort on the 
island. With construction targeted to start in early 2018, it risks making the 
new U.S. president a lightning rod for local ire over the project even as he 
seeks to divorce himself from his sprawling business empire.“I would strongly 
recommend against any new developments that impact the temple,” said I Gusti 
Ngurah Sudiana, the local chief of Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia, the 
country’s peak Hindu organization. “These things are sensitive in Bali. The 
Balinese don’t tend to speak up, but these things related to the sacredness of 
the temple are very sensitive, only the enforcement is too weak.’’The Trump 
Organization says the hotel and tower will offer views of the Indian Ocean and 
Tanah Lot temple and bring "a new level" of luxury to Bali. The project cements 
ties between Trump’s family and MNC Group founder Hary Tanoesoedibjo, who was 
on the guest list for Trump’s inauguration in Washington, DC. and has touted 
his friendship with Trump’s children. Tanoesoedibjo has his own political party 
in Indonesia.Tanah Lot Temple in Bali.( hj /File)The 
renovated resort will be managed by Trump Hotels, a spokeswoman for the Trump 
Organization said by e-mail. It is one of two in the works under their 
partnership, which will cost MNC up to $1 billion.With the new hotel still in 
the design phase, locals say gossip about how it will look makes them uneasy. 
Some Hindu devotees worry about the references in promotional material to the 
tower. MNC has said its height is not yet determined.From the lobby of the 
current resort, guests can look out to Tanah Lot, a UNESCO-listed World 
Heritage Site perched precariously on an offshore rock, said to have been built 
as a shrine by a traveler who founded a Hindu priesthood in Bali. While the 
majority of Indonesians are Muslim, more than 80 percent of Balinese identify 
as Hindu.Nearby FarmersLocals have also heard the hotel will be bigger and 
could require the purchase of nearby farm land. Made Sumawa, ethnic head of the 
village that includes the hotel, said there is a standing offer from MNC to buy 
land within a certain perimeter of the existing Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali 
Resort.While parts of Bali are bustling with hotels, shops, bars and massage 
parlors, the current resort sits among rice paddies on the west of the island, 
with modest homes nearby. MNC Land Vice President Budi Rustanto said in a phone 
interview the resort area would be expanded from 106 to 140 hectares (346 
acres), but he did not say how much extra land might need to be bought.Kadek 
Sudiasi, 42, has lived to the east of the resort for more than 40 years and 
says he won’t sell his paddy fields to MNC, no matter the price.“It’s the way 
of rich people to do whatever they want and to offer money to smooth the way 
for themselves,” he said, hunched over a recently harvested field to turn over 
mulch with his bare hands. “I plan to buy more land to give to my children 
instead of selling. Money you can make again, but land is finite, let alone 
fertile land.”Tabanan regency, where the resort is located, is known as Bali’s 
rice depot due to the expanse of terraced paddy fields built into its hills. 
The locals use a system for irrigation and cooperative water-sharing structure 
called subak that dates back to the 9th century, to ensure rice can be 
cultivated on both flat land and hillsides.The beautiful Jatiluwih rice 
terraces in Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia.( 
also: Trump’s Indonesia partner heads to inauguration to bolster deals)Speaking 
at his residence in Jakarta earlier this month, Tanoesoedibjo said there had 
been issues with locals over the existing property before he bought it two 
years ago.“When they started the project in the 90s, yeah, it’s because the 
development was too close to the temple, that’s what I heard,’’ he said. There 
is “now nothing to be worried about.”Nengah Santhi grows rice on a small plot 
near the hotel. In her 40s, her son works at the resort in customer service. 
She doesn’t particularly care about Trump’s political views, but she would like 
clarity on how much more land the renovated hotel will absorb.“When he comes to 
our island, then I will pay attention,” she said. “If he asks me to sell my 
land then of course I will say no, this is my land, I grow my rice here and 
later my son will grow rice here.”The local Hindu group also has questions over 
plans for a new golf course, potentially with one designed by Phil Mickelson’s 
company. The eastern side of the current course surrounds a small temple set on 
black volcanic sand. Local regulations forbid buildings within a certain 
perimeter of temples. The rules vary according to the status of the sacred 
site.Golf Course“A golf course is an open space, so according to government 
regulations, it’s in line,” said the Hindu association’s Sudiana of the current 
course. “But a golf course isn’t a forest and it isn’t nature so it conflicts 
with the philosophy of upholding the temple’s sacredness.”For some locals, the 
planned redevelopment creates mixed emotions. Tourism matters to Bali. While 
the statistics office doesn’t break the figures down, accommodation and food 
and beverages were the biggest component of its gross domestic product in the 
third quarter, around 23 percent.Still, I Gede Pasek Suardika, a member of 
Indonesia’s regional representative council and deputy chairman of the federal 
government-aligned Hanura party, said there had been opposition to previous 
efforts to further develop the area. Tanoesoedibjo left Hanura after a failed 
bid in 2014 to become Indonesia’s vice president.Prior Backlash"To my 
knowledge, that area is already under greenbelt restrictions and can’t be 
freely developed because it received backlash from the locals previously, so 
what can be developed is only limited to what was already agreed on before," 
Suardika said.Ida Bagus Wiratmaja, head of the local planning and development 
board, has concerns. “They must not exceed the height of a coconut tree, or a 
maximum of 15 meters,’’ he said, and “must pay attention to sanctuaries and 
places of worship’’.Nirwana resort has submitted a request for a new permit to 
accommodate its proposed expansion, as the one issued in 1994 would no longer 
be valid, Wiratmaja said on Tuesday, adding his office has yet to approve the 
new permit.Ethnic village head Sumawa said business that brings income and 
improves people’s lives is welcome, but only if what is built takes the 
Balinese culture into account. “If he comes here then he needs to follow our 
way of life,’’ Sumawa said, referring to Trump.“If he forces his bling bling 
decoration here then it just won’t work. If he tries to force his style upon us 
then of course we will give recommendation against it.”

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