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read more Trump “hangs up” on the Australian prime minister after tense talks
By David Gilbert on Feb 2, 2017 
President Donald Trump reportedly berated the Australian prime minister during 
a phone call Saturday that ended abruptly less than halfway through its 
scheduled duration. Trump was said to be angry about a deal put in place by 
former President Obama that guaranteed the U.S. would take 1,250 refugees from 
an Australian detention center — a promise the new president called “the worst 
deal ever.”

The call between Malcolm Turnbull and Trump came on the same day as the new 
U.S. president held phone calls with four other world leaders — German 
Chancellor Angela Merkel, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, French President 
François Hollande, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Given the deep ties 
between Australia and the U.S. in the past, the call with Turnbull was expected 
to be the most straightforward. Instead Trump described it as “the worst call 
by far” — according to senior White House officials speaking to the Washington 
The call was scheduled to last for an hour, but Trump ended it after just 25 
minutes. Late on Wednesday, Trump reasserted his strong opposition to the 
refugee program, calling it a “dumb deal” on Twitter, and promising to 
investigate it:

The U.S. has pledged to take 1,250 refugees from Australian detention centres 
located on the island of Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Many of the refugees held 
there come from Somalia, Iran, Iraq and Sudan – among the seven countries whose 
citizens Trump’s executive order bans from entering the U.S for the next 90 

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