Aha, reggae!
Di panggung kadang Bob mengawali One Love itu dengan 
lagu ini yang syairnya terinspirasi pidato Haile Selassie 
pada sidang umum PBB tahun 1963 - yang mempertajam 
pidatonya pada sidang Liga Bangsa-Bangsa tahun 1936. 

Boleh direnungkan, sampai hari ini (2017) tabiat Blok Barat 
toh tidak berobah. Hanya memperbarui metode kolonial-imperialnya.Kalau strategi 
nekolimnya terbongkar, mereka tidak malu-malu 
mengirim kapal-kapal perang penuh serdadu.

w a r
until the philosophy which hold one race superior
and another
is finally
and permanently
and abandoned
- everywhere is war -
me say war

that until there no longer
first class and second class citizens of any nation
until the colour of a man's skin
is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -
me say war

that until the basic human rights
are equally guaranteed to all,without regard to race - 
dis a war
that until that day
the dream of lasting peace,
world citizenship
rule of international morality
will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
but never attained
- now everywhere is war -

and until the ignoble and unhappy regimes
that hold our brothers in angola,
in mozambique,
south africa
sub-human bondage
have been toppled,
utterly destroyed
- well, everywhere is war -
me say war

war in the east,
war in the west,
war up north,
war down south -
war - war -
rumours of war
and until that day,
the african continent
will not know peace,
we africans will fight - we find it necessary -
and we know we shall win
as we are confident
in the victory
of good over evil__
good over evil, yeah!
good over evil__
good over evil, yeah!
good over evil__
good over evil, yeah!
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Bob Marley - War | HD
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--- roeslan12@... wrote:
Selingan, yang mungkin cocok untuk merenungkan situasai seperti sekarangini. 
Selamat mendengarkan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xjPODksI08 
Salam, Roeslan


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