Dari milis lain :
*Agama dibikin dengan tujuan supaya manusia memperbaiki tingkahlakunya. *
*Begitu pula dengan penjara, selain untuk menghukum, juga utk memperbaiki
tingkahlaku manusia. *

*Melihat kebersamaan tujuan tsb, tentunya diharapkan ada korelasi :*
*(a) semakin banyak orang beragama-beribadah semakin kosong penjara dan
*(b) semakin kurang orang beragama-beribadah semakin penuh penjara.*

*Apa yang terjadi di Nederland adalah sebaliknya :*
*sudah sejak lama orang yang beribadah tiap tahun berkurang kira2 1%,*
*sedangkan sejak lebih dari 10 tahun terakhir penjara makin kosong, sampai
ada yang ditutup, malah juga import prisoner / napi.*

*Disini terlihat ... tidak ada.... korelasi antara beragama-beribadah dan
penjara. *
*Baik buruk tingkah seseorang tergantung budiperkerti, ibaratnya kulit yg
melekat dibadan, selalu dibawa kemana dia pergi. *
*Sedangkan agama adalah baju yang bisa ditukar, seperti banyak terjadi
karena pernikahan, ataupun dirangkap seperti orang Jepang menganut
Shintoisme dan Budhisme. *

*Kekurangan Penjahat, 24 Penjara di Belanda Tutup Sejak 2013*
Kompas.com - 01/06/2017

AMSTERDAM, KOMPAS.com - Pada 2013, pemerintah  Belandamenutup 19 lembaga
pemasyarakatan karena kekurangan pelaku kejahatan untuk mengisinya.  Kini,
jumlah  penjara yang ditutup bertambah lima lagi sehingga sejak empat tahun
lalu sudah 24  penjara berhenti beroperasi.  Penutupan lima  penjara ini
setidaknya mengakibatkan hampir 2.000 orang kehilangan pekerjaan mereka.

Alhasil pada September tahun lalu,  Belanda
<http://indeks.kompas.com/tag/Belanda> "mengimpor" 240 pelaku kriminal dari
Norwegia hanya untuk mengisi  penjara
yang kosong.
Hanya 700 orang dari mereka yang mengalami transisi ke pekerjaan baru yang
belum ditetapkan dalam sistem penegakan hukum Belanda.  Sebenarnya, tren
ditutupnya penjara di Belanda sudah mulai terlihat sejak angka kejahatan
menurun sejak 2004.

Belanda saat ini memiliki penduduk 17 juta, dan hanya 11.600 orang yang
menjadi narapidana. Itu artinya hanya 69 untuk setiap 100.000 orang.
Bandingkan dengan Amerika Serikat yang sebanyak 716 dari 100.000 orang
warganya mendekam di dalam penjara. Angka ini juga merupakan yang tertinggi
di dunia.

*Religions:* Shintoism 79.2%, Buddhism 66.8%, Christianity 1.5%, other 7.1%

*Religions:* Roman Catholic 28%, Protestant 19% (includes Dutch Reformed
9%, Protestant Church of The Netherlands, 7%, Calvinist 3%), other 11%
(includes about 5% Muslim and fewer numbers of Hindu, Buddhist, Jehovah's
Witness, and Orthodox), *none 42%* (2009 est.)

*Religions:* Protestant 46.5%, Roman Catholic 20.8%, Mormon 1.6%, Jehovah's
Witness 0.8%, other Christian 0.9%, Jewish 1.9%, Muslim 0.9%, Buddhist
0.7%, Hindu 0.7%, other 1.8%, unaffiliated 22.8%, don't know/refused 0.6%
(2014 est.)

*Religions:* Muslim 87.2%, Christian 7%, Roman Catholic 2.9%, Hindu 1.7%,
other 0.9% (includes Buddhist and Confucian), unspecified 0.4% (2010 est.)

*Church attendance in decline *
A small majority of 54 percent in the adult Dutch population defined
themselves as religious
2012 versus 60 percent in 1999.
Last year, 16 percent of adults regularly went to a church, mosque or other
religious meeting at least once a month versus one quarter in 1999. Church
attendance declined notably among older people: among 55 to 65-year-olds from
33 to 16 percent and among 65 to 75-year-olds from 39 to 22 percent. The
decline is far less substantial among 18 to 34-year-olds; 12 percent attend
religious services on a regular basis. Church attendance among 35 to
64-year-olds is marginally higher.

*Two-thirds of people in Netherlands have no religious faith Society*
March 14, 2016
Fewer than a third of Dutch people have a religious faith and nearly one in
four describe themselves as atheists, according to the latest census of
belief in the Netherlands.

The trend towards secularisation also saw a decline in the number of people
describing themselves as spiritual, which dropped from 40% 10 years ago to
31%. The number who believed in the existence of a higher power fell from
36% to 28% over the same period.

Overall 25% of people identified themselves as Christian, while 5% were
Muslim and 2% belonged to another faith group.

The survey also found support for the separation of church and state, with
a majority saying that politics and education should not be influenced by

Within the Christian group the survey also found a trend towards more
secular beliefs. Just 13% of Catholics believe in heaven and fewer than
half believe that Jesus is the son of God. The trend was less pronounced
among the Protestant congregations.

Around 2,100 people were canvassed for the ‘God in Nederland’ survey, which
has been carried out every 10 years since 1996.


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