Suicide bomber killed in foiled Makkah plot to attack Grand Mosque: Saudi
state media

AFP <> | AP
<>Updated about 9 hours ago



Saudi security forces said Saturday they disrupted a plot to attack the
Grand Mosque at Makkah, home to the holiest site in Islam, just as Ramazan

The Interior Ministry said it launched raids in Jeddah as well as two areas
in Makkah itself, including the Ajyad Al-Masafi neighbourhood, located near
the Grand Mosque.

There, police said they engaged in a shootout at a three-story house with a
suicide bomber, who blew himself up and led to the building's collapse.

He was killed while the blast wounded six foreigners and five members of
security forces, according to the Interior Ministry's statement. Five
others were arrested, it said.


Saudi state television aired footage after the raid near the Grand Mosque,
showing police and rescue personnel running through the neighbourhood's
narrow streets.

The blast demolished the building, its walls crushing a parked car as what
appeared to be shrapnel and bullet holes peppered nearby structures.

The Interior Ministry “confirms that this terrorist network, whose
terrorist plan was thwarted, violated, in what they would have perpetrated,
all sanctities by targeting the security of the Grand Mosque, the holiest
place on Earth.”

“They obeyed their evil and corrupt self-serving schemes managed from
abroad whose aim is to destabilise the security and stability of this
blessed country,” the statement said.
Iran offers support, Qatar expresses solidarity

Despite their severed ties, both Iran and Qatar on Saturday voiced support
for Saudi Arabia.

“Iran ... as always expresses its readiness to assist and cooperate with
other countries to confront these criminals, who deal death and ignorantly
spread hate,” Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghassemi said.

The Qatari foreign ministry expressed “solidarity with the brotherly
kingdom of Saudi Arabia”.

Six foreign pilgrims were wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up
near the Grand Mosque in Mecca, where hundreds of thousands of worshippers
had gathered for prayers on the last Friday of Ramazan.

The Saudi interior ministry said a wider plot had been foiled with the
arrest of five suspects earlier in the day.

Since late 2014, the kingdom has faced periodic bombings and shootings
claimed by the militant Islamic State group.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are locked in a bitter battle for regional influence
and have had no diplomatic relations since January last year.

Saudi Arabia and its allies severed all ties with Qatar earlier this month
<>, accusing it of supporting “terrorist
groups” in the region, a charge Doha denies.
Unknown attackers

Saudi officials did not name the group involved in the attack.

The ultraconservative kingdom battled an Al Qaeda insurgency for years and
more recently has faced attacks from a local branch of the Islamic State

The disrupted attack comes at a sensitive time in Saudi Arabia as King
Salman earlier this week short-circuited the kingdom's succession by making
his son, Defence Minister Mohammed bin Salman, first in line to the throne.

The newly appointed crown prince, 31 years old, is the architect of Saudi
Arabia's war in Yemen against Houthi rebels, now stalemated. He has also
offered aggressive comments about the kingdom confronting Iran.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries have cut diplomatic ties
to neighbouring Qatar and are trying to isolate the energy-rich country
over its alleged support of militants and ties to Iran. Qatar long has
denied those allegations.

The Grand Mosque has been the target of militants before. In 1979, a group
of militants seized the mosque, home to the Kaabah, for two weeks as they
demanded the royal family abdicate the throne.

The official toll of the assault and subsequent fighting to retake the
mosque from hundreds of armed militants was over 100 people killed and 500

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