*Indonesia, Norway agree to increase cooperation*

9th July 2017 | 1.819 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia and Norway have agreed to increase
current cooperation as trade and investment have been growing positively,
Head of Press, Media and Information of the Presidential Secretariat Bey
Machmudin said in a press release received here on Sunday.

The agreement was the important point in the results of the bilatetal
meeting between President Joko Widodo and Norways Prime Minister Erna
Solberg on the sideline of the G20 Summit in Hamburg on Saturday (8/7).

"Trade in 2016 rose by 40.5 percent in value compated to 2015. Investment
meanwhile increased 77.2 percent including portfolio investment from
Norways Pension Global Fund. The positive trend must cintinue to be
maintained and even increased," President Joko Widodo said to Prime
Minister Ema who vidited Indonesia in 2015.

He said Indonesia has received investment grades from three world rating

"I hope for your support so that Indonesia-European Free Trade Association
Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (EFTA CEPA) negotiations could
be finished this year," he said.

On the occasion President Jokowi as he is also called expressed concern
over the resolution of Norway parliament on palm oil.

He said the resolution ran counter to the spirit of REDD+ cooperation
between Indonesia and Norway and negated efforts made by Indonesia with
regard to overcoming climate change effects, environment protection and
sustainable development.

"I believe the Norway government supports open and fair trade relations,"
he said.

The two leaders also discussed fisheries and marine resource sectors in the
meeting. President Jokowi lauded increased intensity in the cooperation
between the two countries in the sectors including Norways support to
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in Indonesia.

"I wish to push for formalizing cooperation in the field covering IUU
Fishing, fishery management, sustainable culture and sea protection," he

President Jokowi was flanked by foreign minister Retno Marsudi, finance
minister Sri Mulyani, cabinet secretary Pramono Anung and head of Capital
Investment Coordinating Board Thomas Lembong.

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