Ini dari milis lain :

Strictly speaking under international law, the whole territory of Jerusalem
does not belong to the Palestinians nor the State of Israel. It is occupied
territory that Israel conquered in 1967 from the Kingdom of Jordan in the
6-Day War, along with the occupied Westbank. Many UN resolutions which
Israel completely ignored also affirmed that both Jerusalem and the
Westbank legally belong to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The UN has
never recognized the annexation of these entities by Israel and condemned
the Israeli settlement policy, as has the USA, until the administration of
president Donald Trump.
In fact, the official status of Jerusalem was determined by the General
Assembly of the United Nations with General Assembly  Resolution 181 (UN
Partition Resolution), making Jerusalem a corpus separatum placing it under
an inter national regime administered by the United Nations.
So the US has no business establishing it's embassy to Israel on a
territory which is not the State of Israel or am I  a complete stupid
student of international law ?
Nor has Guatemala another insanely stupid country any business doing the
Before anyone of you shapes an opinion on the Jerusalem case, try to read
the rule of law properly and use your brains or vice versa. Forget about
the stupid press.

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