Hahahaa, ... nenek yang menepuk dada Maois justru TIDAK bisa mengerti berjuang harus memperhitungkan imbangan kekuatan lawan dan diri sendiri! Padahal jelas-jelas Ketua Mao menegaskan "Perhitungkanlah deengan tepat kekuatan musuh dan kekuatan diri sendiri, maka 100 kali bertempur 100 kali menang, ...!" Pada saat kekuatan diri sendiri masih sangat lemah, musuh jauh lebih kuat, bentuk perjuangan yang dilakukan jangan berhadap-hadapan secara langsung, ... ajaklah musuh kucing-kucingan biar dia lelah, temukan kesempatan dimana posisi dimana kita lebih menguntungkan untuk gempur bagian lemah musuh, ... begitulah bentuk gerilya dilancarkan!

Begitu pula KORUT, negara kecil jangan main menantang perang nuklir dengan AS yang jauh lebih kuat! Lawanlah seperti sekrang ini, ajak dia duduk dimeja perundingan, dan menentang mereka, AS-Korsel meneruskan latihan militer bersama yg bikin tegang semenanjung Korea, ...! Seiring dengan itu bangun ekonomi, meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat dan perkuat pertahanan KORUT, tanpa harus dengan bermain maut dengan NUKLIR yang bisa membunuh seluruh RAKYAT KOREA itu!

Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45] 於 21/5/2018 21:42 寫道:
Begitulah maunya orang-orang revisionis!!! Tunggu sedekah dan belas kasihan kaum kapitalis-imperialis.... Chan tak perduli bahwa semua revolusi yang menang dimulai dari kecil dan sedikit orangnya. Tapi si Chan MENASEHATI  mereka yang sedang berjuang sekarang supaya berjuang sesuai dengan kondisinya..dan tunggu sampai ada perubahan keseimbangan kekuatan!!.Karena memang sudah mengkhianati Marxisme, sudah tentu menganggap KEDALUWARSA  ajaran Marx bahwa hakekat dari MDH adalah MENGUBAH KENYATAAN!!!Chan tidak mau berterus terang bahwa yang dimaksud berjuang menurut atau sesuai dengan kondisi, pada hakekatnya adalah TIDAK BERJUANG DAN MENJILAT PANTAT KAUM PENGUASA DAN IMPERIALIS!!! Seperti yang dikatakan Kim Yong IL, Berpangku tangan menunggu semua kondisi sampai matang sama saja dengan tidak melakukan revolusi!!! Jelas kan!! Dia salahkan Korut yang menantang AS!! Alasannya, Korut negeri KECIL!!! Jadi kondisi kecilnya itu tidak mengijinkan Korut untuk melawan ancaman AS dan membela martabat bangsanya!!! Dasar remo!!!

On Monday, May 21, 2018 11:39 AM, "Sunny ambon ilmeseng...@gmail.com [GELORA45]" <GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

*Yang sudah menang dan kuat bisa membangun, tetapi yang belum apakah harus berjuang untuk menang ataukah lenggang-lenggang kangkung sambil tunggu sedekah?*

On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 10:48 AM, Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com <mailto:jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com> [GELORA45] <GELORA45@yahoogroups.com <mailto:GELORA45@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

    Kaok-kaoknya agen revisionis-imperialis lagi yang ingin mengubah
    keseimbangan kekuatan dengan ongkang-ongkang kaki sambil
    menyebarkan kolaborasi kelas dan memohon belas kasihan sampai
    mencium pantat kaum revisionis dan imperialis!! Tak ada orang remo
    yang mau mengakui watak revisionisnya walaupun sudah jelas jemelas
    pengkhianatannya kepada prinsip-prinsip dasar Marxisme. Selalu
    menutupi pengkhianatannya dengan kata-kata "mengembangkan
    Marxisme"....... Melakukan penghisapan manusia atas manusia bagi
    kaum revisionis adalah mengembangkan Marxisme!!!! Sungguh
    menggelikan, Chan menolak dirinya dinamakan revisionis, padahal
    sudah terang-terangan menyatakan pembelaan terhadap MODAL!! Chan
    Dalam tulisannya "Tokoh-tokoh Indonesia tentang Sosialisme", tokoh
    revisionis almarhum Suar Suroso, masih tidak mampu secara
    terang-terangan membelakangi karya monumental Marx "Das Kapital".
    Maka ditulisnya:
    :’ Dengan karyanya “Kapital”, Marx memberi senjata yang paling
    ampuh bagi klas pekerja sedunia, yaitu senjata teori ekonomi
    politik berdasarkan materialisme dialektis dan materialism
    historis, senjata teori untuk memenangkan perjuangan klas. Kapital
    adalah karya Marx yang berilyan, yang membongkar rahasia
    tentang perjuangan klas. /Ajaran tentang perjuangan klas adalah
    batu alas dari Marxisme./“.

    Bayangkan betapa absurdnya dan menggelikan penolakan Chan atas
    sifat revisionisnya sendiri, padahal dirinya sudah menegasi alias
    tidak mengakui MODAL sebagai sumber kesengsaraan kelas buruh dan
    memungkiri kontradiksi antara MODAL dan TENAGA KERJA ALIAS KAUM
    BURUH!!! Chan memungkiri kenyataan bahwa Karl Marx membongkar
    rahasia penghisapan kelas kapitalis terhadap kelas buruh melalui
    kepemilikannya atas MODAL dan ALAT PRODUKSI.

    Jadi biar sampai bongkok dia menolak dirinya dinamakan revisionis,
    tapi pandangan dan pikirannya yang tercermin dalam komentar dan
    tulisannya di milis ini, dimata orang yang waras logikanya akan
    tetap revisionis!!!!

    On Monday, May 21, 2018 3:10 AM, "ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com
    <mailto:sa...@netvigator.com> [temu_eropa]"
    <temu_er...@yahoogroups.com <mailto:temu_er...@yahoogroups.com>>

    Yang BERANI mengaku ML-Maois sejati adalah kelompok yang BERHASIL
    membawa seluruh RAKYAT dinegeri maju membangun masyarakat adil dan
    makmur! Bukan hanya berteriak-teriak menuduh bahkan menghujat yang
    beda pendapat REMO, penghianat dsb., nya, ...!
    BENTUK-BENTUK perjuangan melawan kapitalisme-imperialisme
    dilakukan sesuai perimbangan kekuatan masing-masing, ... bagaimana
    mereka mengambil bentuk perjuangan yang dipilih biarlah sepenuhnya
    mereka sendiri yang berhak menentukan. Apapun perbedaan yang ada,
    ... Tidak perlu dicemooh, apalagi dicaci-maki dengan segala macam
    tuduhan, dan, ... biarlah dalam praktek perjuangan, mereka akan
    belajar dan menyimpulkan pengalaman, memperbaiki dan memenangkan
    perjuangan! Hanya mereka yang merasa diri paling benar dan menuduh
    orang lain SALAH itulah yang nyerudug terus dan akan terpuruk
    dalam jurang kegagalan, atau tergolong orang yang hanya hidup
    dalam mimpi dalam tempurungnya sendiri saja!


    Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com
    <mailto:jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com> [GELORA45] 於 20/5/2018 23:27 寫道:
    Hanya orang-orang revisionis- reformis-reaksioner pro kaum
    penindas/imperialis yang mengejek dan mencemooh perjuangan rakyat
    di berbagai negeri yang sedang terus membangun kekuatannya untuk
    melawan imperialisme dan kaum reaksioner lokal.. Pengkhianatan
    kaum revisionis Soviet dan Tiongkok telah memundurkan gerakan
    pembebasan rakyat anti-imperialis sedunia. Mereka yang terus
    berjingkrak kegirangan atas kemenangan sementara kaum revisionis
    tidak bisa lain kecuali kaum revisionis yang merupakan sahabat
    setia kapitalisme-imperialisme... Segelintir sampah masyarakat
    itu sudah tentu tidak akan pernah berhasil dengan ejekan dan
    cemoohnya!! Mereka akan dilindas perjuangan rakyat dan
    dicampakkan  dalam tong sampah bersama dengan tua-tuan revisionis
    dan imperialisnya!!!! Seperti kata el comandante Che Guevara:
    Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!!

     Indian Maoist

    May 9, 2018
    C. Kistler <http://www.redspark.nu/en/author/admin/> CPI (maoist)
    <http://www.redspark..nu/en/tag/cpi-maoist/>, Jharkhand
    Ranchi: Maoist guerrillas on Wednesday set on fire 10 vehicles
    employed in road construction work in Jharkhand’s Giridih district.
    According to the police, around 30 Maoists raided a private road
    construction company at Pirtand. They asked the workers to move
    away to one side as they poured kerosene on the vehicles and set
    them ablaze.
    The Maoists left the spot after the arson.
    The private firm is involved in constructing a 30-km road between
    Chirki and Palma in the same district.
    Informed sources in the police said denial of levy could be the
    reason behind the arson.
    Maoists active in 18 of the 24 districts in the state regularly
    torch vehicles involved in road construction work when denied levy.

    March 12, 2018
    C. Kistler <http://www.redspark.nu/en/author/admin/> CPP-NPA-NDF
    <http://www.redspark.nu/en/tag/cpp-npa-ndf/>, Joma Sison
    <http://www.redspark.nu/en/tag/joma-sison-en/>, Jugendwiderstand
    <http://www.redspark.nu/en/tag/jugendwiderstand/>, Month of
    Solidarity with the PW in the Philippines
    *By Prof. Jose Maria Sison, *
    *Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines, *
    *Chief Political Consultant, National Democratic Front of the
    Philippines, *
    *March 12, 2018*
    As Founding Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines
    and Chief Political Consultant of the National Democratic Front,
    I convey the warmest greetings of solidarity to Jugendwiderstand
    (Youth Resistance) and appreciation for launching a Month of
    Solidarity with the People’s War in the Philippines in Germany in
    this month of March 2018. I salute you for supporting the
    Filipino people´s struggle for national and social liberation
    along the general line of the new democratic revolution, under
    the leadership of the working class and with a socialist perspective.
    Your initiative is a new and significant step towards developing
    solidarity between activists in Europe, and the Filipino people
    and their revolutionary forces. Today, because of the rapid
    escalation of the repression by the fascist and
    counter-revolutionary US-Duterte government, it is crucial to
    develop more activities of solidarity in various forms to make
    the Philippine revolution more known to the people in Europe.
    Solidarity and support for the Filipino people´s revolutionary
    struggle can also serve to inspire the people of the world to
    intensify their resistance to imperialism and all reaction.
    In the nearly 50 years since the re-establishment of the
    Communist Party of the Philippines, the people’s war carried out
    mainly by the New People´s Army to ultimately smash and dismantle
    the military and bureaucratic machinery of the reactionary state
    has spread nationwide. It has generated scores of guerrilla
    fronts in more than 80 provinces and enabled the formation of
    revolutionary mass organizations, various types of self-defense,
    alliances and the local organs of political power which
    constitute the people´s democratic government.
    At the moment, the Filipino people and revolutionary forces are
    struggling to reach the stage of strategic stalemate in the
    people´s war. Approaching this stage requires a tremendous amount
    of struggle and represents a major advance towards the socialist
    future for the Filipino people. As the Philippine revolution
    advances, it serves as a beacon to inspire revolutionaries in
    Europe, encouraging them to wage various forms of struggle,
    exchange experiences and lessons with Filipino revolutionaries
    and cooperate in building international solidarity and
    revolutionary movements of the people.
    We call on all revolutionary and progressives forces to attend
    the activities in Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Weserbergland, Magdeburg
    and Berlin, and to learn about and propagate the Revolution.
    Serve the People. Serve the Revolution!
    *The Maoist Communist Party of Manipur*

      Dersim: 2 TİKKO guerillas have been immortalised

    With the coming of the spring, military operations against
    guerilla areas are continuing.
    The 2 guerillas that have been immortalised in the operation
    conducted by the forces of the Turkish Republic in Dersim
    Aliboğazı in the morning hours, are now identified as
    TKP/ML-TİKKO (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist- Workers
    and Peasants Liberation Army of Turkey) fighters.
    One of the martyred guerillas has been identified as Gül Kaya

    March 22, 2018
    Nattergal <http://www.redspark.nu/en/author/nattergal/>
    We need your help! Dallas, one of our most committed and
    dedicated volunteers, has been snatched up by the state and is
    currently facing bogus charges that could mean years or even
    decades in prison. Many of you have probably met Dallas at one of
    our free stores or other events. His optimism and compassion are
    contagious, and he tirelessly works to build people power in our
    communities. He was one of the first volunteers to go to Houston
    as part of our Hurricane Harvey relief, and he has contributed a
    lot of time and energy to making our organization better and
    stronger. Serve the People feels obligated to return the favor
    and show this comrade some love when he and his family need it most.
    We were excited to hear that he had made bond for his federal
    case this morning, but only a couple hours later we learned that
    the state of Texas had waited until his release was imminent to
    file yet another bullshit charge, meaning that he will likely be
    arrested again the moment he walks out of jail. This does not
    surprise us since the state has dragged Dallas through the mud in
    every step of this process so far, but it is also all the more
    reason to back him up now more than ever. Please join us and
    others supporters around the world in organizing to#FreeDallas
    There are many ways to help.
    Donate money directly via PayPal to avantiguz...@gmail.com
    Donate by buying a t-shirt with one of Dallas’s original designs:
    https://teespring. com/stores/urban-guerrilla- outfitters
    Write Dallas a letter by sending an email to
    freedal...@protonmail.com <mailto:freedal...@protonmail.com> . If
    you do, please consider these guidelines: “(1) Do not write about
    any details surrounding his case. (2) Also avoid discussing your
    or anyone else’s participation, past or present, in specific
    organizations. Also avoid writing anything about an organization
    that is not already public knowledge. (3) Beyond that, almost
    everything is fair game. You can discuss things that
    organizations have already publicly said or done, as long as you
    do not implicate any individuals in those activities. He would
    welcome summarized updates on what organizations around the
    country and the world have been up to. He would also welcome
    hearing your reflections on what you’ve been studying or writing
    lately, so that he can provide his thoughts and continue, as he
    always has, to help others advance their political education as
    well as his own. Be creative, it doesn’t have to be limited to
    these things at all.”
    Read up on the details of his case: http://www.redspark.nu/en/
    political-prisoners/defend- comrade-dallas-and-fight-for-
    Free Dallas!
    Organize against state repression!
    Free all political prisoners!

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