Anak-anak itu hanyalah "colateral damage" yang memang harus dikorbankan untuk 
melahirkan "economic miracle" yang terus membuat orang ternganga kagum dengan 
cara Deng membangun "Sosialismenya" melalui penghisapan.... 

    On Thursday, July 12, 2018 5:29 PM, "Jonathan Goeij [GELORA45]" <> wrote:

Even children from the countryside who move to the cities with their parents 
are unlikely to get a good education. In recent years, restrictions on migrants 
to the cities have been easing. But in most cities, migrant parents still have 
great difficulty sending their children to good local schools because they need 
documents such as a resident permit, job and rental contracts, proof that taxes 
have been paid and so on.

The Orphans of China’s Economic Miracle

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Opinion | The Orphans of China’s Economic Miracle
Millions of migrants have left their children behind in the villages — 
sometimes to live with family members, so... |



By Lijia Zhang   
   - March 27, 2018

查看简体中文版查看繁體中文版CreditPing Zhu

BEIJING — In the spring of 2015, 13-year-old Huang Kailong had just skipped a 
grade, from fifth to seventh, and her future sparkled with promise. Then she 
ran away from home. In a letter to her parents, Kailong explained the reason 
for leaving: She felt unloved.Kailong grew up in Jidao, a picturesque village 
in Guizhou Province, one of the least developed in China. In her letter, she 
reminded her parents that they had left her with an aunt when she was just a 
year old. During the bulk of her childhood, her parents would go away for about 
four months every year to chop sugar cane in Guangdong Province, and they’d 
leave her with different relatives, an arrangement she had resented.“I felt 
like a stray dog,” she said to me in the coastal city of Wenzhou, where she now 
lives with her boyfriend and several dogs they took in from the street.In 
January, social media across the world lit up with the wind-burned face of Wang 
Fuman, an 8-year-old living with his grandparents in a remote village in Yunnan 
Province who treks almost three miles to school every day. He showed up in his 
classroom one morning with frost-covered hair, a teacher took his photo, posted 
it online and it went viral. The picture drew attention to the plight of the 
many Chinese children who grow up in the countryside without their parents 
In the last three decades, 280 million Chinese people have left their villages 
for the booming cities in search of work, making up the greatest wave of 
migration in human history. But while seeking a better long-term future for 
their families through more lucrative employment, millions of these migrants 
left their children behind in the villages — sometimes to live with family 
members, sometimes to fend for themselves.Reliable data are always hard to come 
by in China. According to a 2013 report from the All-China Women’s Federation, 
30 million children — more than 10 percent of all children in China — were 
living in the countryside without their parents, often in the care of 
relatives. A 2016 government report said that at least 360,000 of the children 
were left totally alone, with no family members to take care of them.Parents 
have many good reasons for leaving their children behind: the high cost of 
living in cities, unstable employment so far from home and the restraints of 
China’s household registry system, known as hukou, which ties citizens’ welfare 
benefits and school privileges to their place of birth.In the countryside, 
children left with extended family — usually uneducated or even illiterate 
grandparents with onerous jobs — are at risk of not getting adequate care. 
Discipline is often lacking. Aging guardians may fail to send the young 
children to preschool or may be unable to help older children with their 
homework. The lack of parental care in the countryside has been correlated with 
emotional and developmental problems among children.
And while urban children have thrived academically in recent decades, that has 
not been the case for their rural cousins, especially those who have been left 
behind. A study by Stanford University researchers, in collaboration with 
Chinese academics, found that children in the countryside were much less likely 
to complete high school. Those with both parents having left for the city 
perform markedly worse in school than those having one parent around, and boys 
are affected more than girls.Other factors contribute to low academic 
achievement in rural China — notably, poor teaching standards and facilities at 
rural schools, and prohibitively high tuition costs (only nine years of school 
is free). But the crucial factor is the absence of parents.Even children from 
the countryside who move to the cities with their parents are unlikely to get a 
good education. In recent years, restrictions on migrants to the cities have 
been easing. But in most cities, migrant parents still have great difficulty 
sending their children to good local schools because they need documents such 
as a resident permit, job and rental contracts, proof that taxes have been paid 
and so on.Several sensational stories in recent years have brought attention to 
the problem of left-behind children. Among them, in June 2015, four left-behind 
siblings committed suicide together by swallowing pesticide in Guizhou 
Province.In response, in 2016 the government called for better social services 
to protect such children. But on my recent visits to the countryside, in 
interviews with children and parents, it’s clear that a great deal more needs 
to be done. Rural education and village-level social services still lag. And 
migrants must be allowed to send their children to good local schools in urban 
areas where they work — and not substandard, makeshift schools for migrant 
kids.Without effectively addressing the problems facing left-behind children 
and providing for the needs of rural youths, the vaunted “Chinese Dream” will 
remain unfulfilled for much of the country.Lijia Zhang is a journalist and the 
author of the novel “Lotus.”Follow The New York Times Opinion section on 
Facebook and Twitter (@NYTopinion), and sign up for the Opinion Today 
A version of this article appears in print on March 27, 2018 in The 
International New York Times. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe

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  • [GELORA45] The Orphans o... Jonathan Goeij [GELORA45]
    • Re: [GELORA45] The ... Tatiana Lukman [GELORA45]

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