Indonesia dan rezim berkuasa adalah negara berkekuasaan suci murni, jadi
mana bisa ada asap menyebar ke Malaysia, karena selama di wilayah NKRI
tidak pernah terjadi kebakaran hutan atau hutan dibakar, teristimewa di
Sumatera dan Kalimantan., maka oleh karena itu patut dibantah tuduhan apa
pun. Presiden NKRI adalah ahli kehutan jadi pasti beliau menjaga hutan
dengan segala kebaikan hati dan kemampuan yang dimiliki. hehehehehehehe

Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) head Dwikorita
Karnawati, right, said strong winds last week prevented smoke from
Indonesia reaching Malaysia. (Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Environment
and Forestry)
*Indonesia Denies Responsibility for Haze Affecting Malaysia*


SEPTEMBER 10, 2019

*Jakarta.* Satellite images prove that the haze that affected Malaysia late
last week did not originate from Indonesia, the national weather bureau
said on Tuesday.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said the
satellite images also showed an increase in the number of active fires in
the region, mainly in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.

"Based on images from the Himawari-8 satellite and a Geohotspot analysis by
the BMKG, smoke on the Malaysian Peninsula on Sept. 5-7 came from local
fires," agency head Dwikorita Karnawati said in Jakarta.

Images from the Himawari-8 and Sentinel satellites also showed an increase
in the number of fires in early September did not occur in Indonesia, but
on the Malaysian Peninsula and in Vietnam, and that this had been
responsible for the recent haze.

Dwikorita said strong winds prevented smoke from Indonesia reaching

"Haze from Sumatra did not cross the Malacca Strait, as it was blocked by
strong winds," she said, adding that haze from Malaysia's Sarawak and
Indonesia's West Kalimantan – both on Borneo Island – was pushed out over
the South China Sea.

The government issued the statement in response to accusations by Malaysia
and Singapore that haze affected them recently was caused by forest fires
in Indonesia.

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