Tulisan dibawah, ditulis oleh orang Vietnam dimana Vietnam pada umumnya tidak 
"cocok" dgn Tiongkok. Jadi tulisannya tidak "bias" utk memuji Tkk. Poin2 yg 
dialami olehnya sesuai yg saya/kami alami di Tiongkok 3 minggu belakang ini.


 Saya akan ceritakan beberapa poin impresi/kekaguman saya sesuai yg ditulis 
oleh orang Vietnam ini.  

 Betul sekali dimana ada tanah kosong (tidak ada bangunannya) selalu ada 
tanaman/pohon2 nya atau kalau tidak ada pohonnya, tentu dipakai utk kebun atau 
sawah (misal utk tanaman beras) atau kolam utk peternakan ikan. Jadi pengunaan 
tanah sangat efisien. Juga kalau ada highway, disemua highway dipinggir dan 
juga ditengah jalan selalu ada pohon atau tumbuh2an kecuali di jembatan (yg 
tentunya tidak bisa ditanam apa2). Yg. saya kagumi adalah usaha "green 
revolusion" yg menyehatkan rakyat dimana polusi C02 dari mobil2 dll tentunya 
diubah menjadi 02 dgn proses "photosynthesis". Tentu ini sangat menyehatkan 
udara dgn 02 nya utk penduduk. Yg saya belum mengerti adalah bagaimana logistik 
memberi air/menyrami kepada pohon2/tanaman2 ini disepanjang highway ini yg 
panjangnya ribuan kilometer. Saya berpikir barangkali karena penduduknya padat 
dan banyak kota2 nya, jadi logistik nya utk menyrami tidak begitu susah. Saya 
melihat truk dgn tank air besar yg sedang menyrami pohon/tanaman2. Di Kanada 
atau Amerika saja tidak bisa ada highway yg ada pohon2nya sampai 
puluhan/ratusan kilometer apalagi ribuan km sebab logistiknya tidak ada dan 
terlalu mahal. Di waktu2 yg lalu, waktu saya di Tiongkok, langitnya 
abu2/coklat, dan sekarang langitnya biru. Saya yakin, ini disebabkan oleh green 
revolution ini disamping Tkk memakai banyak "renewable energy sources" sekarang 
ini seperti wind turbine, hydroelectric, solar panel, tenaga nuklir. 
Disepanjang jalan sering dilihat adanya tanah luas dgn solar panels nya dimana 
Tkk adalah negara nomor 1 produksi solar panel.

 Sekian dulu, kalau ada waktu, saya akan sambung dgn poin2 yg menarik di Tkk 
dilihat dari saya yg berdomisili dari "negara maju", yg sudah ketinggalan dgn 
kemajuan Tkk.

 Barangkali bung chan atau Djie, yg lebih sering ke Tkk, bisa mencerahkan 
bagaimana menyrami pohon2/tanaman2 diseluruh panjang highway di Tkk?

 Komentar saya juga: penggunaan tanah yg sangat efisien utk tanaman, perikanan 
membuat rakyat Tkk tidak bisa kelaparan. Dan tidak bisa kalah dgn "trade war" 
dgn Amerika walaupun Amerika akan menghancurkan Tkk dgn tokoh2 anti-China, 
Prof. Chang, Navarro/penasehat ekonomi dari Trump dan George Soros/milyarder 
ahli hedge fund (George Soros telah gagal utk menghancurkan ekonomi Tkk, 
malahan rugi kalau tidak salah).

 BH Jo

 What do you think about China? 



 Sunny Nguyen https://www.quora.com/profile/Sunny-Nguyen-17, Love Writing, 
Travelling, Yoga, Kpop and Taylor Swift
 Answered 16h ago 



 I just have a one - week business trip to Guangzhou, China last week and it 
was like an eyeopener for a girl from a neighbor - developing country where 
most of people here don’t like Chinese as well as have a lot of negative 
thoughts about China.
 I feel so lucky to be able to see China through my lenses.
 I think China is CLEAN and GREEN I have heard a lot about how polluted China 
has been, the air here is so bad, until I come here.
 There are trees and flowers everywhere in the city. I don’t even need a mask 
when going out because the atmosphere is so good. I can breath the qualified 
air with very green background, green ponds full of fishes along the road.
 No motorcycle here but cars, bycicles and electronic vehicles.
 And almost all of the public toilet I have been here are so clean. Very 
 Even a small pond in a small village is taken care very well

 And there are a plenty of fishes in this small pond, too
 2. I think the country is very MODERN and CONVENIENT
 Guangzhou is so big but everything is very in order. The road is big, clean 
and in order, too. Even the pavement here has the size of a road in my city.

 The public transportation system here is so developed. Wow. Metro and buses 
here connects all areas of the city, you can go everywhere in the city by metro 
and buses. Using Baidu app is super convenient, you don’t need to understand 
Chinese to use the app, just put the Chinese address in and then, they will 
show you exactly which metro or bus you should and the guide you there.
 So, don’t worry if you cannot speak Chinese, everything is as comfortable as a 
peice of cake.
 3. Chinese payment system is at ANOTHER LEVEL
 No one uses CASH here. Everything, I mean every single thing in every corner 
of China, is paid by QR CODE (Wechatpay and Alipay) and Face Recognition. So, 
it feels very weird for people here when I use cash to pay.
 You came to a convenient store, take something, go the the cashier, stand in 
front of a camera and your payment is done. So crazy to me.
 Chinese people don’t need to bring cash alont with them. And my friend told me 
China started to apply QR Code payment system since 2013, so 6 years already.
 The very old people in very old village use smartphone, too.
 Even begger or vendor on street has their own QR Code. So, no cash please.


 4. It is super SAFE in here
 A girl walking on lonely street at 11pm or 12am is safe here. Camera is 
everywhere with Face Recognition technology, so everything you do is tracked. 
That’s why it’s super safe here.
 It was 11pm when I was there.

 Even on DIDI app (similar to UBER), there is always a button to call police at 
anytime. And if you take a taxi after 11pm, the app requires you to put “an 
emergency number”, just in case.
 Every time you go to a metro, there is always a security check gate.

 5. China can maintain their TRADITION VALUE so well
 Though Guangzhou is a very modern and developed city but you can very easily 
find a lot of traditional houses, buildings, villages all around the city.
 Been watching Chinese historical and costume movies since childhood, it was 
like walking inside a real movie to me during my very first time here in China. 
Everything I have been just seeing through a screen, now I can witness by my 
eyes and temporary be a part of it.
 This is a real Chinese village, just beside a very modern area full of tall 

 Inside this village, I can see so many houses like this, exactly what I have 
seen in those movies thousands time before.

 One more thing, the people here are very friendly, though I cannot speak 
Chinese but everytime I ask for something, they always try to help me extremely.
 So, no worry if you cannot speak Chinese when you’re here.

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