Tidak heran! Kontradiksi antar imperialis, terutama AS dan Cina bertambah 
runcing, apalagi dalam keadaan ekonomi menyusut...coro-coro rezim 
totalitarian-fasis sudah tentu tidak merasakan hilangnya ruang demokrasi 
borjuis yang sering digunakan oleh kaum pembangkang rezim untuk mengekspresikan 
pendapatnya...Namanya juga imperialis, pasti menggunakan cara-cara terror untuk 
mengintimidasi para pembangkang...

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jonathan Goeij jonathango...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
Sent: Tuesday, 7 July 2020 04:32
To: Gelora 45
Subject: [GELORA45] Pro-Hong Kong democracy students in Perth allege death 
threats,intimidation from Chinese nationals

"I have received death threats from Chinese people," she said.
"Our address and personal information were all disclosed in WeChat, social 
media for Chinese people."

Pro-Hong Kong democracy students in Perth allege death threats, intimidation 
from Chinese nationals
'It's just not safe': Even in Australia, Hong Kong nationals live in fear of 
Beijing's reach

'It's just not safe': Even in Australia, Hong Kong nationals live in fea...
Perth-based pro-Hong Kong democracy activist 'Mary' says she has been spied on 
and threatened, and is so concern...

  • [GELORA45] Pro-Hong Kong... Jonathan Goeij jonathango...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
    • RE: [GELORA45] Pro-... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]

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