Yang di bawah umur 18 tahun, baru akan divaksinasi belakangan, mengingat
immuun sistemnya lebih kuat.

Op vr 4 sep. 2020 om 08:24 schreef Sunny ambon ilmeseng...@gmail.com
[GELORA45] <GELORA45@yahoogroups.com>:

> *Kalau akan divaksinasi 93 milion warganegara, lantas siapa saja yang
> divaksinasi.   Apakah nasib sisa penduduk diserahkan kepada kebaikan hati
> Miss Coronavirus? hehehehehe *
> https://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesia-to-cover-covid19-vaccination-costs-for-93-million-citizens
> *Indonesia to Cover Covid-19 Vaccination Costs for 93 Million Citizens*
> SEPTEMBER 04, 2020
> *Jakarta.* The Indonesian government has targeted to vaccinate at least
> 70 percent of the country’s 273 million population starting next year and
> will shoulder the costs for 93 million people of low-income families, a
> minister said on Thursday.
> The free vaccination will prioritize around 1.5 million medical workers in
> the frontline of the country’s fight against coronavirus when a vaccine
> against the disease is available later this year.
> The government has set a timeline for the mass vaccination to start in
> January, once the phase 3 clinical trial of the vaccine is concluded
> successfully.
> It has received a supply commitment of 30 million doses of the vaccine
> from China and the United Arab Emirates for initial delivery in November.
> "We will make sure that around 1.5 million selected medical workers become
> the first to get the vaccine. They are our heroes fighting in the frontline
> against this pandemic,” State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir said
> at a joint news conference with leaders of doctor and nurse associations in
> Jakarta.
> Erick, who also heads the Committee for National Economic Recovery and
> Covid-19 Handling, said the government will select 1.5 million doctors and
> nurses with the help of associations to conduct mass vaccination, but first
> they must be vaccinated before carrying out their duty.
> If possible, medical workers can get the vaccine as early as December, he
> added.
> The government will shoulder vaccination costs for 93 million people of
> low-income families using data from the national health insurance scheme
> BPJS Kesehatan, he added.
> "To reduce pressures on the state budget, the government also  encourages
> employer associations to arrange free vaccination for their workers," Erick
> said.
> He slammed social media rumors alleging that the government will
> prioritize those willing to pay to be listed among the first batch of mass
> vaccination.
> "Don’t twist our remarks to falsely indicate that people who pay will be
> prioritized over those who don’t,” Erick said.
> He said employers are encouraged to arrange vaccination for their workers
> because they are financially capable.
> “They are able to conduct self-funded vaccination program. Besides, those
> employers make their money in Indonesia,” Erick said.
> *Vaccine Price*
> Erick estimated the price of a dose of vaccine will arrive at around $7 by
> next year. But at the initial stage, the number could grow to $30 due to
> limited production capacity and higher demand.
> "We shouldn’t treat this with prejudice that the vaccine will serve as a
> lucrative business to a small group of people,” Erick said, adding that the
> targeted number of vaccinated people remains small compared to other
> countries.
> “Britain has planned to procure vaccine four times the number of its
> population. We have a population of 273 million people, but currently we
> focus on 70 percent of the population to be immediately vaccinated.”
> Vaccination for citizens under 18 years old will come at a later stage on
> consideration that they have stronger immune system, Erick said.
> “It doesn’t mean that we sacrifice the younger generation, so please
> don’t twist my words,” he said.

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