Hey all,

On March 2nd we will be holding the 6th gem5 Tutorial at HPCA '24 in Edinburgh, 

This will be a full-day event and will focus on teaching those new to gem5 how 
to use the latest version. It will be a day-long “crash course” in gem5 and 
assume no prior knowledge of using computer architecture simulators. The 
tutorial will focus heavily on new features in gem5, such as the gem5 “suites” 
and other gem5 standard library features, so will be suitable for those who 
have used gem5 before but wish to refresh their skills.

The preliminary schedule for this event includes:

* A short history of gem5.
* Overall (software) architecture of gem5.
* Compiling gem5.
  * Using SCons and Kconfig.
  * Ruby Protocols, ISAs, and other options.
* Introduction to running a gem5 simulation using prebuilt systems
* First time running gem5 and interpreting the output.
* Building a gem5 simulation using stdlib components.
* Simple example to show select statistical outputs.
* Adding `DEBUG` flags to gem5.
* SE-mode vs simulations: Pros, cons, Limitations and use-cases.
* Building an FS mode simulation in the stdlib.
* Creating your gem5 SimObject.
  * Structure of gem5 C++ code.
  * Writing a simple SimObject.
  * Creating your own component, extending from the stdlib.
  * Running simulations using your SimObject/component.
* Creating your own stdlib compoent.
* Creating your own ISA instruction.
* gem5 Resources
  * Binaries, kernels, and disk images.
  * Workloads and suites.
* Contributing to gem5.

Those wishing to attend should register for the tutorial via HPCA's 
registration process: https://hpca-conf.org/2024/. The early registration 
deadline is February 2nd.

For the most up-to-date information on this event going-forward please visit 
the gem5 Tutorial event page: https://www.gem5.org/events/hpca-2024

Kind regards,

Dr. Bobby R. Bruce
Room 3050,
Kemper Hall, UC Davis
CA, 95616
web: https://www.bobbybruce.net

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