> What's the bigger picture here?  Are you suggesting that we email all
> patches to the list for review before committing them?  That sounds nice in
> principle but tedious in reality... though definitely valuable for things
> like Korey is discussing that are potentially widely visible changes.

For the mq thing, I'd say that everyone must learn it and use it.
This is of course difficult to enforce, but I think that it's easily
argued that it forces people to do a better job organizing and
thinking about their code.  I'd also like to encourage people to
review their own diffs before they commit them.  I'd like to see
random whitespace changes and unintended commented out code to stop
making it into the tree.

For the e-mail thing, definitely not everyting.  For the experienced
M5 devs, I'm really referring to the stuff that makes large changes to
the whole system like Korey's changes (and several that I have
coming).  For newbies, probably everything should be reviewed until
we're confident with them.

BTW: I started thinking about this because I'm working on a script
(based on ali's script) to redo all of the copyrights.  I'll pass that
around when I'm done.  I really hope to be done by the end of the
week.  I'd really like to get all of this stuff behind us.

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