nathan binkert wrote:
>>  The reason I'd want to enumerate children is so I can find any memory
>>  objects below the CPU and determine what available ranges I can add into
>>  the map. If there ends up being in-memory-system address transformation
>>  in the future that could be more complicated, but for now just getting a
>>  list of accessible children would work. If, for some reason, somebody
>>  hooks up a sparse address space, it would be ideal to be able to find
>>  all the memory banks and put in a region for each of them. That would
>>  again be more complicated if there was some mechanism to get at memory
>>  that isn't a memory object child of that system, like for instance NUMA
>>  with nodes over an ethernet network, but it would be close enough for
>>  most cases I think.
> There is a call to get address ranges, and you should probably just
> have the CPU call that.  It might not be perfect, so you might have to
> create a somewhat different one.  If you need to create a different
> one, let me know first because I'd like to integrate the
> sendStatusChange stuff and the getAddressRange stuff.

I'll look into this.

> For now though, I'd say that you should probably just have whatever
> SimObject that represents BIOS data just get a pointer to a list of
> memobjects.

How would I get that list? Would I do that in C++ or in the python?
Either is fine with me but I'm not clear on how that would work.

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