Dear M5 Users,

Today, it is our pleasure to announce the public availability of the
M5 repository.

It was quite a bit of work, but we've managed to get the copyright
holders on M5 code to agree to a single BSD style license for M5.  The
one major exception to this is the new x86 code.  This code is
partially owned by Hewlett-Packard and is under a slightly more
restrictive license than the rest.  I'm no lawyer, but I'd summarize
the license as this: you can't sell this code or derivative works, but
you can use it to do research (corporate or academic).  This license
was largely a byproduct of HP's ownership of some IP that they were
worried could be compromised by the BSD license.

The repository uses a revision control system called Mercurial
(  Mercurial is a decentralized source
control system that allows users to do all source operations without
connecting to a central repository. In brief it allows you to create a
copy of the repository that is fully functional. Instead of
having to manually diff/patch your changes when a new version is
released simply executing a command will "pull" all changes in the repository into your local repository launching a merge tool
whenever necessary. Additionally, sending patches to us for inclusion
in the repository is a single command. We hope that this
change will both make using M5 easier as bug fixes can be obtained in
a much easier fashion and increase the community involvement in
developing M5.

For more information about the repository, see:

In addition we have opened the development mailing list to the public
( to subscribe). This list
is for the day-to-day development of M5.  The whole point of releasing
the repository is to encourage user participation and allow a path for
a larger community of people to be able to develop and improve M5.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to make
contributing patches and features easier.

We hope this becomes useful for everyone!


The M5 Team
m5-dev mailing list

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