On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Gabriel Michael Black
> On Mon, 14 Jul 2008, nathan binkert wrote:
>> I'd argue that I'd prefer to get rid of cassert and create our own
>> assert for everything if we're going to start messing with this.  This
>> also argues that the name assert should change so it is not confused
>> with the cassert version.
>> Am I the only one that thinks this is an issue?
> I think it's a valid concern. Parallel systems that do the similar things
> tend to cause problems.

It's worth thinking about, but not over-engineering... we already have
two paths that m5 can take on unforeseen errors with assert() and
panic().  If our enhanced flavors of assertion all call panic() (I
think having them call assert() is too restrictive), then things
really aren't that different as far as I can see.

I don't see why providing enhanced forms of assert (under different
names) should necessarily cause us to get rid of the classic version;
I was viewing them more as complements than as replacements.  I
definitely agree that we should not attempt to replace the classic
assert with our own version that has the same name... that way lies

If there's a desire to deprecate classic assert once we have our own
better alternative, I won't fight it, but I personally don't see the
need. I think that decision can be decoupled from whether or not we
actually provide those better alternatives.

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