> Yea, Ali's got it right... the way to think about address-based
> routing on the bus is that the packet logically does get broadcast to
> determine the destination; all our mucking with address ranges is
> really just some combination of optimization and sanity check.
I buy that, but I'd argue that we shouldn't use the term Broadcast
shouldn't be set by the sender since the sender shouldn't care unless
the sender really wants a broadcast.  Can I create a new term
Automatic and make everyone use it (i.e. s/Broadcast/Automatic/)?
I'll then re-add broadcast to really mean broadcast in that the
message, regardless of destination or whatever is really destined for
all targets.

> As far as the setSrc() calls in memtest, I vaguely recall that there
> were problems with cache responses failing because there was no valid
> source ID on the request packet.  Basically there's a hole in our port
> interoperability story (where you're not supposed to care what's on
> the other side of a port) in that a packet that comes straight into a
> cache with no intervening bus might not have a valid source ID.  I
> don't remember why memtest needs (needed?) this but normal CPUs don't.
It seems that the src should be set by the peer of the sender, not the
sender, so I don't see why it would matter.  I'll dig deeper.

My goal is to improve things for non Bus interconnects.

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