> Haha, do you mean having find call create when it needs to make a new
> file? I had considered doing that.
I actually created a couple of protected functions one for checking if
it's stdout/stderr and another to actually construct a new class from
a filename.  If you want, I can just take care of it.

> Related question, I just added gzstream into ext and gave it an
> SConscript like libelf. Is there a way to have a section in ext which
> gets built per-target along with the normal sources?
Not right now.  Because of how things are dealt with in the SConstruct
file.  It would be pretty easy to change though.

> I also have a
> DRAMsim interface that I'd like to add. Right now I just have the
> dramsim source directly floating beneath src/mem, but it would be
> better to have it under ext. I'm just not sure how to make sure there
> are properly optimized versions. It would also work if the build
> system merely had three versions of the library, though I've not seen
> anything else in m5 use a system like that. Optimization is not
> significant for gzstream, really, but it would make a difference for
> DRAMsim.

You mean have .fo, .o and .go versions but not for each ISA_EMULATION?
 It's not in the SConscript right now, but it could be added.  You
might want to just use the EXTRAS stuff.

It would actually be nice to get DRAMsim properly into M5.  The first
problem is that the license is no good (it legally doesn't do the
right things).  If you're interested in trying to pull it in, I could
try to get the license issue sorted out.

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