On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Gabriel Michael Black
<gbl...@eecs.umich.edu> wrote:
> I like that option the best so far. I'll assume that's what we're
> doing unless I suddenly think of a compelling reason not to or if
> someone doesn't like it.

Great... it should be even easier than I thought if you build off the
width loop that's already in there (which I had forgotten about).

> Generally speaking, I don't consider myself qualified to make the
> necessary changes to the memory system stuff, especially the caches.
> Can someone please volunteer? I can start working on the ISA stuff
> maybe tonight or maybe tomorrow. A shared (queue) repository would
> probably be a good idea.

I could probably do it once I find the time.  The beauty of this
approach is that you don't have to wait on any memory system changes
to test in atomic mode, so I'd hope that it wouldn't hold you up too
badly if it took a little while (week or two) before I get around to

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