All the regressions passed with my changes applied except for tsunami-o3
and tsunami-o3-dual. Those had run for 15 hours and not finished when I
checked on them which is obviously way to long. I removed my patches and
tried it on the head, but it's been running there for an hour and still
hasn't finished. I'll leave it running over night just in case, but I
think those are broken in the head. In light of that, I'm going to wait
until that gets fixed to do my push, so don't worry about holding off
any more.


Gabriel Michael Black wrote:
> Quoting Korey Sewell <>:
>> Gabe, briefly can you talk about what you're big push is going to be on?
> It's almost all stuff to get an SMP kernel to boot in x86. There are a  
> couple patches that affect things outside of x86, but I think those  
> are limited to the simple CPU.
>> I'm really scrambling to get these MIPS fixes in for O3 since a major
>> culprit of it getting continually broken is the lack of  a regression
>> test. People (including me) can change stuff and unknowingly break
>> MIPS code. Then, I'm back to fixing what already should be working.
>> If possible, give me a day (hopefully will be quick) to finish
>> cleaning up this MIPS stuff so that I can include that in the testing
>> of whatever changes you have. Or maybe the changes you have dont
>> affect this but I'm not sure yet since I dont have the exact fix for
>> the MIPS code.
> I think it's pretty unlikely we'll affect each other, but I'm going to  
> be pushing around 60 patches and I really don't want to have to  
> reverify all those as compared to 5 or 6. My almost up to date patch  
> queue is available from if you want to take a look. You  
> could probably use those patches on your own tree and run your  
> uncommitted regression and I'm betting it will pass. I can hold off if  
> you really, really want me to, but I'd prefer not.
> Gabe
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