> There are certain types defined in the file
> src/mem/protocol/RubySlicc_Types.sm. For each of the type is .hh is gets
> written which contains the path of the actual header file to be used. For
> example, the file RubySlicc_Types.sm defines CacheMemory type. This type is
> actually defined in the file src/mem/ruby/system/CacheMemory.hh. When a
> protocol is compiled, the file
> build/<protocol_name>/mem/protocol/CacheMemory.hh gets written. This file
> contains just one line -
> #include "<path to  CacheMemory.hh>"
> My question is which script writes this file. I have looked around but have
> not been able to figure it out yet.

That gets done in src/mem/ruby/SConscript.  The reason it gets done
there is because the .hh file is actually in the system directory, but
the way the slicc code is generated, it tries to include it from the
protocol directory.  In the original slicc/ruby, this didn't matter
because all directories were in the include search path, but in M5 we
need to know the path.  There was no easy way to fix this, so this
ugly band aid exists.  Be awesome to get rid of it.

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