> But I need to find the point to log order of completion of loads and stores
> in the LSQ (between LSQ and L1 cache), to check the effect of that change.
> I was observing inside LSQUnit<Impl>::completeDataAccess(PacketPtr pkt).
> But the order observed doesn't look like the expected.
Looks like you are going to have to check the TSO (?) semantics here. Whose
to say that if you issue a # of memory accesses in a particular order, that
they finish in a particular order? Isn't caching (and locality of your
memory accesses) going to determine this? Is it not OK that the memory
accesses are sent to the memory system in a certain order but arent
necessarily completed in a certain order? Again, you'll need to check the
TSO or whatever constraints you are trying to enforce for that case.

- Korey
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